
Friday, September 12, 2008


I am in the process of changing my color scheme in my living room. It has been brown and red for almost 5 years now, so I am ready for something new. In my home I have a color that I carry throughout all the rooms, except my children's rooms--they get what fancies them at the time. I use different accent colors in each room to go with my main color. This helps the rooms to flow together and to be united, but different (kinda like America!). When I was first married 20 years ago, my common color was slate blue--oh how I love my slate blue Ü. I had slate blue and peach, blue and mauve, and blue and pale yellow. Then I went for a moss green stage--I had moss green and yellow, green and blue, green and tan. I then had another country blue faze where I had blue and yellow, blue and red and blue and white.

Now I am in my brown stage and don't seem to be tiring of it. It is warm and reminds me of chocolate, mmm! I have mostly had brown and red or brown and tan. I am in the process of changing the red accents to ocean blues and greens, and turquoise in the guest bath. I will have browns, reds, greens and blues in my kitchen. Most of my red stuff will go to the guest bedroom (sorry guests-you get the decorating leftovers--but they will still look fresh!) or the basement family room (which is the hang-out place for my own children plus many neighborhood friends).

Here is the rug I got to help start my transformation. I got it on clearance at Target--it was $40 off the original price. I tried to play the waiting game to see if it would go down more, but it didn't and then there were only two left, so I bought it. I really love the patterns and the colors are perfect. The table probably won't be staying--it one I made and the blue color is off so it will probably go to my booth, or I might repaint it.

My teen son say, "Mom you have to change all of this if you are going to put that rug in here. You can't just put a blue rug in here and make it look good. You have to get new pillows, paint this red chair, paint that little table, the painting above the fireplace."
"I know," I said, "won't that be fun?" He rolled his eyes.

You can see from the top picture that I have that chair in there that I bought at the garage sale (I've been throwing a red blanket over it!). I plan to work on it this weekend. Here is the fabric I bought to recover it, along with another chair I will be repainting and reupholstering also. I got it for $5/yard at JoAnn's. Doesn't it match the carpet well? I bought the fabric first. I also might go get that little blue and brown table I showed you a few weeks ago, if it hasn't sold.

Happy Friday. Texans--stay safe, we are praying for you!


  1. I love that fabric! I have a chair that needs a new slip cover and it would be perfect. I changed to the light yellow/lightblue sceme 2 years ago and haven't even begun to tire of it. I love all your "makeovers" and enjoy reading your blog. Take care, Becky

  2. Hi, Bec! That fabric is beautiful! I enjoy seeing all the stuff you do. I'm Mssippi on the T2T forum, and I just started my own blog. FUN!

  3. I love the color scheme! I think that chair will look so nice when it's done! Can't wait to see it!

  4. I think the browns and bluey aquas look so fresh and clean, very popular mix! I love that rug, it's a perfect match to the fabric.Cant wait to see them reupholstered!

  5. I'm just catching up on my blog reading. I like the changes your making in your room. I love the coffee table. And your pumpkin is wonderful! I also like your shadow box with the silverware. I've been going to do that project for a looong time. I have all of the supplies, I just haven't made the time to do it. After seeing yours, I might have to put it higher on my list.

  6. Hey! I also love chocolates & blue/green with it! Love the new fabric and rug :)

  7. Congratulations!! you are the winner of our desng book giveaway! just bop on over and let us know where to send it!!

    kari & kijsa


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