
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Under $100 Linky Party!!

Beyond The Picket Fence
Wow, what wonderful links last week.  Honestly ladies, I think bloggers should run the country, we get some stuff done!  But, I digress.  Thought I'd show off some great furniture makeovers from last week!
A beautiful hutch redo from House of Giggles:
Love the color on this dresser at Made By Stephie.
And I drooled all over the keyboard looking at this beautiful vintage display at Dirty Hands-Beautiful Life
Who wouldn't want to sit and chat for hours at this gorgeous gossip bench from Every Little Thing.
Okay, this isn't furniture, but I am ga-ga over all of the texture in this candle display by Those Northern Skies.

On another note--just have been through a health scare with hubby.  He has been diagnosed with celiac disease, which is much preferred to the cancer word they kept throwing around.  Thank you God for that! Still, I am freaking out a little as I am the one who will have to completely change our family's diet and the way I cook (got the diagnosis 5 minutes after leaving Costco with a grocery cart full of gluten containing food).  If anyone out there has any advice or words of wisdom, please email me at

Can't wait to see what all of you creative souls come up with this week!
So on your marks, get set, link!
Under $100 Linky Rules:
1. Please include a description in your link post.
2. Only post an idea that cost $100 or less--it would be great if you tell us the cost of your project, but not a must.
3. Please link to the specific post, not to your blog.
4. Please grab my 100 ideas under $100 button on the side bar and include it in your post so people can find us.
5. Check and make sure your link works--I often click on people's links and they don't work. If it doesn't, try again--you can let me know and I can delete the one that doesn't work.


  1. Oops, my project isn't under 100, sorry! I didn't even think about it!

  2. Becky...thanks so much for featuring my dining hutch!! I love your linky party :) So much fun to see all those great ideas!!

  3. That hutch is amazing! The candles are very cool too! Thanks for hosting!

  4. Thanks for featuring me!! So exciting:)

    Not sure I'll get to link in this time, but I'll be reading and sharing more additions to my "over the top" room!!

  5. I'm re-posting my link since I was late last week : )

    I don't know if you have Whole Foods where you live, but they have all kinds of gluten-free food options. When we were living in NM, we had a friend there that couldn't have gluten, among other things, and that place was her savior. If you don't have one of those, you might have another mom and pop natural food store near you. Those are also great places for gluten-free foods. Or they at least know where to find them! So sorry to hear that your hubby is not well. You and your family will be in our prayers.

  6. Thanks for hosting!! And thanks for featuring my candle tray!!

  7. Sorry to hear about your hubby's diagnosis, but I can honestly say that now he'll be feeling SO much better soon! I know, cause I have Celiac too! :) I'll be e-mailing you & we can chat....

  8. becky, thank you for sharing my gossip bench with all the other fellow linky people!! was fun and i appreciate that you dig it like i do!!


  9. Hey Becky,

    I haven't visited for a while but wanted to tell you that I just love your blog and all the inspiring ideas you share.

    I love that candle display too!

    When I get home Saturday, I need to post pics of a couple of cupboard doors and ask for suggestions of what to do with them :)

  10. Okay - oh my gosh - what a gorgeous display from dirty hands!!! I could sit and look at that for HOURS!!!

    I'm off to check out others!!!

    ;-) robelyn

  11. Hi Becky,

    Oh you must be so relieved but yet so lost with hubby's new diagnosis. I am praying for wisdom for you. My friend Sheryl has the disease. Food has come along way since she was first diagnosed. Basically she says this: The outer edges of the supermarket: fruit/veg, meat, etc. (the healthy stuff) is all good. The inner aisles of the supermarket (prepackaged and processed) is off limits. She still eats much of what she always did, she just has to make it all from scratch. I am a huge believer in organic, homemade, etc. I had planned to do a post about the organic coop I belong to and provide quick recipes to show how my family eats, etc. (Probably post the week after Easter.) Also, ABC has just launched Jamie Oliver's new show which also should help. His food revolution cook book is great.
    If you have Netflix you may want to watch the documentary "Food Inc." It is available to watch instantly. It is 1 1/2 hours but you won't be bored. I think it might help you to get over the hump of wanting the processed foods.
    My blessings to you and your family.


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment, I really appreciate your kind words!