
Saturday, May 8, 2010

Chippy-Chirpy Bird

I used the peeling paint technique I like on this little stool and old tool (?) box.
I scraped off the paint before applying my final paint color.  I stuck down a bird stencil cut from the cricut over the peeling paint and then painted the whole thing brown.  I pulled up the stencil, sanded and scraped a little more and that was it.  It is the first time I have tried this and I am very pleased with the results.


  1. WOW! love it...that is so neat!

  2. Oh i loved the bird on it!
    Wonderful job on it!

  3. I love what you did-those are adorable- and the stencil turned out great- Lately i stencil everything- Pillows- stools- walls just love how (like paint) can totally change something.. Just became a follower- Love the ideas Karryann

  4. love the little stool- love the bird and the great colors you used! hopped over from sns and so glad i did- just became a follower!

  5. Becky that turned out adorable... thanks for sharing your technique, I haven't tried that one yet... now you have me wanting to give it a whirl... love the bird... great job.

    Hugs, Deb

  6. I really like this. I so need a Cricut. I think I have about convinced myself to get one.

  7. I really, really like this - just so I understand - so you sort of reverse stenciled it?

  8. It's fantastic! I have a new cricut cutter, and I'm just now figuring out all the different ways to use it. Thank you for this great idea! I'm looking forward to reading your blog!
    Cheers, Andrea

  9. I like that a lot! The contrast from the old paint is very nice! Great decal, too... Gotta love sweet little birds! Happy Mother's Day!

  10. They both turned out great, what a fun technique. The cricut bird shape is darling. Great job!

  11. You should be proud; your technique and style are perfect! Lezlee

  12. Nicely done! Thanks for sharing. It's awesome!

  13. This turned out so cute! I love the colors!!

  14. What a fun technique. I'm going to try it.

  15. Thanks for telling how you did this, so easy and great results!

  16. I've never heard of that technique before. It's a great look!!!

  17. Love the little bird stool. I took a look at your technique for aging stuff, great idea and we will try it on some future projects.

  18. I am in love with your blog. I am following you. This week I am doing link love this week in celebration of my anniversary. So check out my blog and feel free to follow me! :)

  19. love this ! come link up to making monday marvelous!


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