
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Welcome to my Garden

Old Sign Stencils are the best and they are not just for signs!!
(affiliate link)
SEE THEM HERE! Note the price you see is in Canadian $.
stencils, fusion mineral paint, giveaway, wheelbarrow, garden junk, planter, robin,
I knew I wanted to try the stencils on an old wheelbarrow that I could plant with colorful annuals.   I didn't have a wheelbarrow to use (although, I did try to convince hubby that one of ours could become a planter)...

Talk of the Town Link Party

Welcome back to Talk of the Town!

Talk of the Town Link Party with Knick of Time, My Salvaged Treasures, Beyond the Picket Fence, My Repurposed Life, Holy Craft, Love My Simple Home, and Sadie Seasongoods - Knick of

First, let's take a look at what you may have missed from your party hosts!

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Sunday Verses

God's Word, Bible verse, rooted in Christ, inspirational verse,
Happy Sunday! In Montana many of our pines trees are lodgepole pines. They grow tall and skinny, but they do not have great root systems, and as a result, they often blow over in the wind. It is the same with our faith. If our roots are not deep, we will not withstand and hold up when tough times come. But, how do we deeply root ourselves in Christ? We build our faith by spending time with God. Read the Bible and talk to Him, journal, listen to worship music, create--whatever works to help you spend time with Him. Today, take the time to root your faith and you will not topple when the life challenging winds blow.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Rustic, Reclaimed Bar

I needed some furniture for my booth, it was looking like a ghost town!! So, at seven o'clock last night I decided to build a bar.  (Sorry, phone pictures in the booth. ) 
Rustic, pallet wood, salvaged, bar, coffee station, counter, kitchen barnwood, slavaged,

Thursday, May 26, 2016

1 Pallet=2 Stools

I know for those of you who know me and my blog, that you know that I love a good pallet, ya know?
pallet wood, salvaged, reclaimed wood, stool, DIY,
I haven't done as much with pallets since my book (BUY IT HERE!) came out.  Not that I fell out of love with pallets, I was just up to eyeballs in pallet parts and with moving and all that entails, I ignored pallets for awhile.  But, I had the pallet itch the other day so we picked up 6 nice pallets over the weekend and I have been happily building this week.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Talk of the Town Link Party

Welcome back to Talk of the Town!

Talk of the Town Link Party with Knick of Time, My Salvaged Treasures, Beyond the Picket Fence, My Repurposed Life, Holy Craft, Love My Simple Home, and Sadie Seasongoods - Knick of

First, let's take a look at what you may have missed from your party hosts!

Monday, May 23, 2016

Work Hard, Play Hard

After buying our old schoolhouse last summer, we knew it was going to take a lot of work to make it what we want and to fix it up.  
schoolhouse, work hard,
And while we are far from doing EVERYTHING we want to do, after spending several hours this past week and weekend working on the sprinkler system, weeding (yes, these monsters are weeds!),
greenhouse, weeds, work hard, play hard,
and prepping the 1200 square foot greenhouse (which included clearing out all my wood we had stored in there), we spent Sunday in Yellowstone National Park.
Yellowstone, bison, work hard,
We saw five bears--this one was the first one, a two year old.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Sunday Verses

bible verse, god's word, inspirational verse, perfectionism,
Happy Sunday! Do you strive to be superwoman (or superman)? Do you try to create a perfect, pretty image, never letting your ugly, "rusty" side show? While I certainly try not to complain and focus on the negative, I dislike the "perfect personas" we often share because it creates feelings that our lives aren't measuring up to others. We see our friends and family smiling and having the most wonderful time together and we start to compare and think that we need to live up to some standard of perfection. Let's STOP! Let's be real with each other and let people know our lives are not without faults and struggles, sins and tough things. Let's share the fantastic, fun stuff, but let's also share the hard stuff and let our friends know we don't have it all together. And, that is okay because we thankfully have a Savior who does! Amen?

Friday, May 20, 2016

Vintage Farmhouse Stool

Oh, the ones that you have to let go...

That is how I feel about this vintage stool with a farmhouse feel.
vintage, farmhouse, stool, Fusion Mineral Paint, metal stool, aqua, rust, Minwax,

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Talk of the Town Link Party

Welcome back to Talk of the Town!

Talk of the Town Link Party with Knick of Time, My Salvaged Treasures, Beyond the Picket Fence, My Repurposed Life, Holy Craft, Love My Simple Home, and Sadie Seasongoods - Knick of

First, let's take a look at what you may have missed from your party hosts!

Monday, May 16, 2016

French Linen Table

I am moving merchandise and working hard to keep up with supply and demand--which is a great problem to have.  But, it means sometimes I need quick and easy projects that require very little attention.  
fusion mineral paint. french linen, paint, upcycled, table,

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Sunday Verses

God leading us, bible verse, truth, inspirational quote, hiking, the right path,
Happy Sunday!  I love to hike, it is my favorite form of exercise.  Each spring when the snow starts to melt from the trails I get excited to get out there and climb those Montana mountains.  But, during the first hikes of the season I am always challenged to keep going (after a winter of too much sitting and too many carbs), and I usually need a little reminding as to which path to the top we like to take.  Thankfully, I hike with my husband and/or kids and they encourage me and guide me along the way.  It is the same with God and his Word.  If we are willing to listen, to stop and pause He will tell us the best way to go.  Hearing from God and choosing the best way becomes easier when we spend time reading the Bible, when we talk to Jesus in prayer, and we stop to really listen and not just forge ahead going our own way because it is what we want. Pause and listen to that still small voice of God and trust that He will lead you. 

Friday, May 13, 2016

Mason Jar Wall Vase

I have been attaching jars to boards for years--I think the first one I made was 16 years ago! But, here is a new twist on hr mason jar wall vase.
mason jar, vase, pallet wood, scrap wood, salvaged, wall vase, lilacs, leather belt,

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Pallet Bear "Puzzle" Sign

I am pretty sure puzzle maker is not a future title I will hold.  But, I did have fun making this bear "puzzle" sign from pallet wood.
pallet wood, bear sign, reclaimed wood, salvaged, jigsaw, wall art,

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Reclaimed Wood Log Cabin Square

I was asked to put a small collection of things in a small. local gallery.  I decide to create a few new things (new to me anyway).  One was this 14"x14" log cabin square made with reclaimed lath from our 1931 schoolhouse.
reclaimed wood, log cabin, art, wood lath, old schoolhouse, DIY,

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Talk of the Town Link Party

Welcome back to Talk of the Town!

Talk of the Town Link Party with Knick of Time, My Salvaged Treasures, Beyond the Picket Fence, My Repurposed Life, Holy Craft, Love My Simple Home, and Sadie Seasongoods - Knick of

First, let's take a look at what you may have missed from your party hosts!

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Sunday Verses

God's Word, bible verse, inspirational verse, mother's day, perseverance,
Happy Sunday and Happy Mother's Day! Mommas, ladies, parents--I know, and more importantly God knows, all that you do. Parenting is a hard and often times thankless job. There are a hundred little things you do day in and day out for your children and for your family that just plain wear you out. You wipe noses and bums and light-switch plates, you pick up toys and trash and dirty laundry and broken hearts, you prepare meals trying to please picky palates, you teach and you doctor, you taxi and you coach, you clean and you wash--and you are tired and there are days you want to give up. Today, and EVERY day, remember God sees each little thing you do for you family. Moms, take heart and stay strong and soldier on, knowing that in time you will indeed see the benefits of all that you do. God bless you!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Junk "Planters"

It was time, I couldn't wait any longer--I had to buy some flowers and start planting!  And, as I type this, the weatherman just said colder than normal weather next week...but, thankfully it looks like temps will stay above freezing.
junk, garden, planter, garden junk, old chair, old schoolhouse, bucket, upcycled, annuals,

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Talk of the Town Link Party

Welcome back to Talk of the Town!

Talk of the Town Link Party with Knick of Time, My Salvaged Treasures, Beyond the Picket Fence, My Repurposed Life, Holy Craft, Love My Simple Home, and Sadie Seasongoods - Knick of

First, let's take a look at what you may have missed from your party hosts!

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Sunday Verses

God's Word, inspiring verse, hardware, Bible, God's provision,
Happy Sunday! Hardware stores are a favorite place of mine--so many wonderful bits and pieces, everything I might need to complete a project. I find some weeks I have to make several trips to the hardware store to find what I need to finish a job. Thankfully, we have been given all the tools we need to do the things that God wants us to do. He gives us the patience, the wisdom, the words, the strength to complete the jobs He wants us to do, even when we don't feel like it. No matter what God is asking you to do or walk through, trust that He has provided more than enough to complete the job.