Happy Sunday! The saying, "You never know what's coming around the corner," certainly seems to be ringing true this year--catastrophic fires, murder hornets, pandemic, protests. Throw in my youngest graduating, my husband retiring in our state to go be a school administrator in another state (because he can collect retirement here and get a full salary elsewhere), house remodeling, moving and I have seen enough change to last me awhile. And I must admit, I have not been embracing all these ch, ch, ch, changes very well. Change is hard. It is uncomfortable and unfamiliar and scary. I know it can be exciting and adventurous too, but when it involves goodbyes, it is arduous. I have learned that having the right mindset can make all the difference. Learning to look for the positives, to see some changes as temporary, to welcome fresh starts, to quit fighting the shifts, and rather be content in our present situations takes mindful effort, but it is possible. The secret is Jesus--faith, trust, belief that his love is enough, that his comfort will see us through, that he is not surprised by any of the changes, and that he knows exactly how they will turn out brings peace to the weary and overworked mind. Contentment doesn't mean you can't mourn the hard transitions, but finding, choosing, and trusting contentment in all situations sure make life a little easier to live day by day.
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Vintage Metal Cart Makeover
I have loved these vintage metal carts. I remember we had one when I was really little and then hubby and I had a aqua colored one when we first marries (why did I ever get rid of that?). So, when I spied one for $2 at a garage sale, I had to grab it.
It was in rough shape--had old contact paper on the top shelf and rust on the shelves. I scraped the contact paper off and sanded the flaking paint and rust.
I then used some paint that I mixed up a year or two ago, It was a combination of different chalk paints, maybe a little latex in there too. I think this dark green is coming in hot this fall as I am seeing it more and more on cupboards and walls. It is not the avocado green that a vintage metal cart like this might have come in. And it is not the forest green of the 90's. It has a bit more earthiness to it. I think that although navy is still very popular, this deep green is going to be replacing it.
One coat covered the chippy, rusty white. I lightly sanded the paint to smooth it some and then used a clear spray in a satin finish to protect the paint.
HINT--use a paper bag to lightly "sand" over the clear coat after it is dry to make it feel smooth to the touch. These little carts make awesome bar carts, coffee spots, or a microwave cart.
Sunday, July 19, 2020
Sunday Verses
Happy Sunday! I need to preface this-- I am not trying to be political or divisive with this post, actually quite the opposite. Our governor passed a mandatory mask order this week
(as many other states have) and boy howdy, have tempers and opinions been flying. And in it all, I am saddened to see the accusations and assumptions that are being made from both sides of the issue. Why do so many of us assume the worst? We post conspiracy theories and accuse government officials of managing the numbers to control us. We call people uncaring and fearful, we assume one thing or another based on whether a mask is being worn or not. Even the ability to breathe in a mask or not seems to be decided by party lines. And in it all, I am disheartened to see so many people angry and so many assuming that people are only making decisions based on personal gain. The information is changing daily and yes, some people are being deceitful. But, please, let's not assume the worst and let's not accuse others who have different opinions than us. Let's lead with love and good, sound judgement rather than looking for and accusing others of plotting harm. Love first and foremost, that is what Jesus would do.
Friday, July 17, 2020
Rustic Farmhouse Bookshelf
Lately, I just cannot get enough of this old curragated tin.
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Camper Makeover
Y'all, why do we wait to improve things until we are doing it for someone else? We have done this with homes, cars, and now our 29 ft. travel trailer, aka camper.
We bought this 2005 Jayco Eagle camper in 2012 and enjoyed many fantastic family trips in it. But, the youngest birdie is leaing the nest so it is time to sell it. First, though, it needed some improvements. I am going to try and share the details of the makeover, but we are by no means experts. This took a lot of sweat equity and I wanted to quit more than once. While I don't have an exact number, I know we spent less than $750 on the total remodel.
Sunday, July 5, 2020
Sunday Verses
Happy Sunday! I love daisies--they are simple, unassuming, happy flowers and seem to grow well in many different conditions. In the movie, You've Got Mail, Meg Rain says she thinks daisies are the friendliest flowers. This verse reminds us that as believers we need to simply choose kindness, and gentleness, and compassion when interacting with others. We don't need to complicate it, we don't need to be angry and divisive, but rather we are called to be patient and kind. Things are "getting ugly" out there, let's be friendly. CHOOSE to be kind, CHOOSE to be love to someone, CHOOSE to be unassuming, CHOOSE to do good.