
Monday, November 30, 2020

12 Days of Christmas Day 4 Simple Advent Centerpiece

I hope you all had a Thanksgiving that was peaceful and safe and that reminded you that there is always something to be grateful and thankful for. My crew was small and the day was quiet and delightful. With turkey day behind us, I am ready to forge ahead into ALL of the Christmas things. It is fun to decorate a new house for the holidays.
12 Days of Simple Christmas Ideas

I decided I wanted an Advent "wreath" or centerpiece this year. Something about mindfully preparing for Christmas that seems important and special this year. Advent is a preparation for the feast of the epiphany and lasts the four weeks before Christmas. Traditionally a candle is lit each week, so that by the fourth week all four candles are lit. I think the lighting of the candles each week is a good time to remember how long the world waited and prepared for a Savior, how people anticipated something better and hopeful coming into their lives. 

Create a Natural Boho Advent Centerpiece With Found Items
I wanted the advent centerpiece to be simple, natural, and have that boho feel I am going for this year and I am happy with this one that I created, it has the perfect look and feel I wanted.
Forage for Supplies to Create a Natural Boho Advent Centerpiece
I started by taking apart (composting) my fall centerpiece (SEE IT HERE) and gathering a few supplies I have on hand. I knew I wanted 4 candles for advent and I wanted them to be at different heights. I always have white tapers in my stash. As you can see, I gathered a few items I didn't use--it is nice to have options.
Create a Natural Boho Advent Centerpiece
I chose to use the ginger beer crock I had already used, a vinegar bottle, a spice bottle, and a small, restaurant ware creamer. The silver tray and old, wood, hand mirror I used for my fall centerpiece made the Christmas centerpiece cut. 
Natural Bottle Filler
I used double stick tape around the taper so it would stay in the vinegar bottle. Before putting the candle in the top, I added a few fresh pine branches and some dried rosehips. These were gathered on walks in my area. The pine branches had all been recently cut on a local cross country ski trail so I didn't even have to clip them, just gather.
Create a Natural Boho Advent Centerpiece
To hold the candle in the spice jar, I added pinecone petals, rosehips, and pine needles and to hold the candle in place in the creamer, I used baking soda because it is what I had. I placed pinecone petals and rosehips around the top to cover the soda.
Add Tassels to Candle Holders
I made three tassels and tied them to three of the candle holders.
Use Fresh Pine Boughs in a Centerpiece
Pine branches and pinecones were tucked around the candles. I placed the hand mirror on its side to reflect light and the items on the centerpiece.
Foraged Centerpiece
I also added some Kinnikinnik or Bear Berry branches. This is a ground cover that grows abundantly around here. If the branches get too dry before Christmas, I will simply gather more and replace them. 
Create a Natural Boho Advent Centerpiece
Here is what it looks like with one candle burning,
Create a Natural Boho Advent Centerpiece
and what it will look like with all four burning.
Create a Natural Boho Advent Centerpiece
Hints to create your own advent centerpiece: Use a tray or wood board to put your centerpiece on--this makes it easy to move it when needed. Look around your home for items to use as candleholders--jars, creamers, tarnished silver sugar bowls, wine or beer bottles, wood chunks to drill holes in, toothbrush holders, empty vegetable cans. Secure your candles with tape, salt, baking, soda, glitter, wood beads, sand. Add details that fit your holiday theme--glass ornaments, twigs, acorns painted gold, shells, old wood thread spools, evergreen branches, palm leaves--whatever you can find and not have to buy or store later.  Embellish candleholders with ribbon or twine or raffia or embroidery floss. *Remember to HAVE FUN AND never leave burning candles unattended, especially around natural materials like pine branches.

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