
Thursday, September 7, 2023

Mid Century Mod Stool Makeover

Okay, let me start this by saying READ THE LABEL! Why? because I just did read the label on this 1958 leg lounger stool when writing this post and realize I didn't quite stage it or use it correctly. OOPS! 
What's a leg longer you ask? Thanks to labels I was able to research this recent thrifted find. It was made by the Pearl Wick Company and was patented in 1958.
Mid Century Mod Stool Makeover
This $4 thrift store find had been previously recovered with a pillow case. The original one looked a little more like this.
Mid Century Mod Stool Makeover
The vinyl on the one I found had a diamond pattern on it. After researching the company, it looks like these came in a variety of fabrics and patterns.
Mid Century Mod Stool Makeover
After getting input from Instagram and Facebook users, I chose to recover it in this mod looking, oval, upholstery scrap I bought for $1 at the thrift store.
Mid Century Mod Stool Makeover
I removed the legs and the adjustable bar and spray painted them a metallic gold color to tone down the brassiness.
Mid Century Mod Stool Makeover
The stool can be flat or adjust to two different slanted heights. It is pretty comfortable and the perfect spot to put your feet up and enjoy a Mad Men cocktail.
Mid Century Mod Stool Makeover
And what did I learn from reading the label? That the adjustable part or taller part is supposed to be up against the chair so your legs drape over it and your feet are lower. 
Mid Century Mod Stool Makeover
Oh well, it is very comfy either way and was a fun find! 

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