Friday, January 9, 2009

Best Laid Plans and a Beautiful Life

I had the day planned--I worked out, worked on a little project, did my bible study, had just gotten dressed and was ready to head to town for some thrifting and the phone rang. It was the school secretary telling my my youngest had a tummy ache and a slight fever. I thought, "No! I was going to have a day to myself. I had my timetable worked out. I had cleaning and exercising and working (thrifting counts as working!) in there. " "I will be there in a few minutes," I replied with a sigh.

So, I have an unexpected day at home with a semi-sick child on the couch (she seems to have a voracious appetite still!). I am trying to see the blessings in this--more time to clean, time to catch up on blogging, I am gratefulto be able to be home with my daughter. but darn it anyhow, those thrift stores were calling my name!

I did make this little project this morning. I saw it in a magazine--I can't remember which one. I found a wood silverware organizer at the thrift store for a buck. I think it was fairly old and had dovetail corners. I painted it blue and brown, decoupaged some fabric in the back and added some hooks for a jewelry display. Simple and a great way to display and organize jewelry.

The Inspired Room
is having a Beautiful Life linky hook-up thingy. She is planning on doing this every Friday. It's a good chance to reflect and think about the things that I am doing to make my life more beautiful and hopefully those people whose lives I touch more beautiful. My scripture memorization is going well. How does this make my life more beautiful? Knowing God's Word and writing it on my hearet and being able to pray it for myself and others is powerful and wonderful. I have been organizing and cleaning--we took two loads to the dump-yippee! I have been either trying to spend 10-5 minutes a day organizing something or I grab 10 things (or more) at a time to donate. I have been exercising every day which gives me more energy and just a better outlook in general. And I am trying to put a positive spin on every day ordinary things, like a day at home with a sick child. Have a good Friday!


  1. I've had those days. I will be looking forward to thrifting or crafting and then my plans get changed. Does it make me a bad mom that I was excited for the kids to go back to school this week so I could get back to the thrift stores?

  2. Your post was so inspiring. I felt encouraged when I was through reading it. It does feel so good to organize. I find that sometimes when I am feeling the most down, by praying for others, it takes the focus off of me and onto others and Him. Your post helped me remember that.

    Awesome jewelry piece by the way!

  3. Wonderful goals and it sounds like you have a great start on reaching them. Blessings on success!

  4. I've had days like that too. I'm addicted to thrift stores. You never know what you are gonna find. I go on my lunch hour sometimes. I bought a few neat things yesterday. I have so many projects to do. I'm gonna try this year to get more of them done and post about them. I hope your daughter is feeling better.

    Come by and visit. I want you to see my last post.
    Lee Laurie

  5. I get very sad when I think I have a day to myself and some one ends up at home.. The good thing is it ended well!!!

  6. Congrats to you! You have won my giveaway. Please send me your address and I'll get the book off to you as soon as it comes in the mail to me! And welcome, once again, to my blog! ~Mindy

  7. Sounds like you adjusted to your day. Hope your daughter is feeling better. I would've been terribly disappointed to not be able to hit the thrift stores too!
    God bless,

  8. Love your jewelry "box". I have one of those at home now and need to do something with it. I noticed that you have some Lia Sophia hanging, isn't their jewelry great? Love your baby!

  9. It's incredibly cliche, but it's so true-attitude is everything! Life can be so beautiful if you just take a second to look at the positive.

  10. Isn't it funny how one little hone call can mess up all our plans? It's good you were flexible though and made the most of your unexpected time at home.

    First time reader here through SITS but I'll be back!

  11. Wow I LOVE that Jewellery hanger thingy! Very inventive. Will be keeping my eye out for a cutlery tray now!

    Happy SITS day.


  12. Ok - THIS is a me-sized project. I'm gonna try this one out. Happy SITS day!

  13. Hi checking in from SITS.

    We make plans and he laughs. But look at the bright side you still found something constructive so the day wasn't a waste

  14. Sometimes God has plans that aren't our own...but it all works out doesn't it? Happy SITS day!

  15. I love the jewelery box. The color is also great.

    Stopping by from SITS

  16. Oh, so adorable! I lovee it!

    Be sure and pop by & follow!


  17. You seem like such a creative and loving mom! Happy SITS day!

  18. you can never have enough jewelry organizers! this one is good-looking!

  19. Your jewelry organizer is so cute. I've had those days before. You get a long list of must do's and then poof everything goes a different direction.

  20. Hi, I'm visiting from SITS!

    Great jewelry holder idea.

  21. That is really lovely. sick days can be lovely when you get to coorie up with the wee 'un but not so great when you have plans! x

  22. I'm visiting from SITS. Not quite familiar with the sick child, but I know how it feels when I have my day planned out and Husby needs me to do something "immediately" and I have to rearrange my entire schedule. It's hard and it sometimes sucks, but in the end that's what love is. It's hard and sometimes sucks, but in the end it's always worth it.

  23. It can certainly be a bummer when the best laid plans get tinkered with but you made the best out of it anyway! What a great project!

    Congrats on your SITS day!

  24. I love that can just whip up such a cut project in one morning. Very talented!

  25. Funny, I was on a High scouring my local Goodwill Store last school season when the School Nurse called on my cell in the middle of it and burst my bubble.

  26. What a FABULOUS idea. It's pretty enough to be a decorative piece on my bedroom wall even. Thank you thanks! I have been looking for a better way to store my jewelry I'm pretty sure I've found it! Great blog!
    Happy SITS day!!!

  27. You could do so much with that! What a neat gift it!

    You sound like a very creative mama!

  28. i just love how you repurpose things! I need to start figuring out how to do that and you are a great inspiration!

  29. Visiting from SITS and from one thrift store junkie to another, I absolutely love your creative thinking! Cute idea!

  30. Just the phrase "making my life more beautiful" sounds inspiring!

  31. I wish I could get myself organized but I bet I would have the same trouble staying on track.

  32. I need to look at life in this way

  33. I've had that happen before...bummer...but at least you got a cute project done out of the deal, tee hee.

    Jamie :)

  34. You are so creative! I wish I could envision how something would look and then do it!

  35. Oh how I've had these days! But thanks for admitting it out loud so we can all feel normal for feeling that way too!

  36. oh you are so creative! I just love that piece you created :) Great work!!

  37. This is awesome! I've been looking for a jewelry box, but I haven't found one I like. What a great idea-and definitely economical.

  38. precious post, thank you!

  39. You have very good craft ideas. I also like the goals you have.

    Stopping by from SITS

  40. It seems like children know when we've planned a day to ourself.

  41. Oh yeah, best laid plans of Mom......out the door!!
    Love the jewelry holder idea!

  42. I have had days like that before! Your jewelry hanger turned out lovely.

  43. yes. sometimes making plans as a mom is a fruitless endeavour.

    Good for you getting on your bible memorization!!! Inspires me to get into mine. :)

    Happy SITS day!

  44. very cool - its hard to sort through your jewelry unless you have it in something like this.

    happy sits day!

  45. I try not to make plans! Love the jewelry holder. What a wonderful Idea.

  46. Oh the longing to have a day to yourself! Again, I am completely impressed with your project.

  47. You have a great attitude! I'm glad that you were able to turn the day into something good, even though you had to change your plans!

  48. I love how you incorporate spirituality into your life to help you be happy! Thanks for sharing!

  49. That would be a cute little project for my daughters jewelry!

  50. Sometimes you just have to go with the flow.

    BTW: I wish I had seen what you did with the cutlery tray before. I threw two out a couple of months ago. :(

  51. Maybe I'm going to have to do something like this instead of the jewelry box for my DD's - they just get knotted up in their box. What a fun idea. Enjoy your day in the SITS spotlight.

  52. How creative! Visiting you from SITS like your blog. Sounds like you are taking care of your physical and spiritual temples all at one time. Great for you! :-)

  53. OOH-LA-LA, what a darling jewlery holder!!

    Sassy Chica

  54. This is really cute too! I need something like this!

    Happy SITS day!

  55. I am currently OOOOOOing and Ahhhhhing over that darling jewelry holder. I wish I was that creative.

  56. Man looks like I need to go to the thrift stores! 80)

  57. Fantastic idea!!!

    Happy SITS day! :)

  58. That's a great idea and a very crafty way to pass the time when you're plans don't pan out.

  59. Well, well, well! I see I am going to have to start going to the thrift stores on a weekly basis (like my grandmother used to do)! You take the simpliest pieces and turn them into pure works of art!

  60. I love shopping at thrift stores! Very cute!

  61. Cute idea!! Hopefully next time no tummies will be hurting.

    Happy SITS day!!

  62. I love simple techniques that beautify your world! Love this!

  63. Sometimes it takes a sick child to force us to slow down and take it easy.

    ...although thrift shopping would have been fun.... ;)

  64. I am desperately in need of a jewelry organizer - this idea is perfect for what I need that storage space to do!

    Thanks for the inspiration!

  65. Super cute idea. You definitely have a knack.

  66. Ah, I so know those days! I have those I plan for weeks, those "finally, some time to do what I want!" and then something comes and lays right in front of the tracks!! You just gotta keep going!

    SITS- newbie


  67. I love this idea. I think I'm going to make one for my sister for her birthday!

  68. Hi There!

    I'm new to SITS, nice to meet you. your blog feels so warm and personal.

    Keep up the great work being a good mommy and taking time to growing in the Lord!

  69. WOW! Beautiful! you are super-talented!
    Kerri from SITS

  70. Graet idea! Might have to try this one.

  71. Oh, I LOVE this idea! I've also seen people put the fronts of the drawers with special vintage knobs on the wall and hang their jewelry like that. :-)

  72. Your project looks great.

    I really need to get back to exercising daily. It makes such a difference.

    Good for you for looking at the positive.

  73. Happy SITS day!
    Know the feeling - I would have a day off from work when kids were in school & then one would get sick and there go my plans!

    Even though they're grown, it now happens with the grandkids!

  74. Wow you have some really great projects!

  75. The thrift stores are calling - I get that vibe all the time, too. It's very real - the hubby has a hard time understanding this 6th sense.
    Happy SITS day!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment, I really appreciate your kind words!