Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Vintage Inspiration Party

Welcome back to Vintage Inspiration Party!  I'm sure you've all been so busy trying to put the final touches on your shopping and decorating.  Yes!  I'm happy to say that I'm finally calling it good enough, and now I'm looking forward to just enjoying everything that this wonderful season is all about.

When you link up with Vintage Inspiration Party your links show up on all four blogs!  That's four times the fun and exposure!

Check out some of the projects we've been working on.....
This is the place to share anything old, treasured, passed-down or tattered, but you can also share projects that were made to look old, including repurposed and upcycled creations.  vin-tage (adj.) 1.) used to describe something that is not new but that is valued because of its good condition, attractive design, etc. 2.) used to describe something that has the best qualities or characteristics of the things made or done by a particular person, organization, etc.

I hope you enjoy these features I chose from last week's party.....
Happy At Home has done an incredible job decorating her home for the holidays with white, silver, and pops of red.  How cute is this?  It was this pop of red that really put a big smile on my face.

This beautiful buffet shared by The Olde Farmhouse is a real trash-to-treasure transformation.  You wouldn't believe what it looked like before she worked her magic on it. 

My 1929 Charmer found a perfect spot for this charming Christmas vignette on a stairway landing.  The best part is that she spent less than $20 for everything here, including the chest and mirror!  

Sadie Seasongoods created this beautiful necklace with a vintage curtain tieback and a pretty glass bead chain from a thrift store.  Love the colors, and you know how much I love repurposed jewelry!

Polka Dot Closet shows us how she created this wonderful Farm Fresh Eggs sign from a shutter she found in a neighbor's trash.....and she still has three more!

This Putz house created by Magia Mia is a true labor of love.  The attention to detail is amazing and I just love the way it sparkles.

Isn't this a fun and clever idea from Duct Tape and Denim?  What a perfect way to display this quick and easy Peace on Earth banner.

I love how Hymns & Verses decorated this painted feather tree with skeleton keys and other vintage treasures.  It's so pretty next to the vintage typewriter.

If you were featured this week, we'd love for you to spread the news!
~~~ Please take a moment to look over our Link Party Guidelines ~~~

- You are welcome to share anything vintage or vintage inspired. This includes yard sale finds, repurposed and upcycled creations, family heirlooms, and even vintage or vintage inspired items you have for sale. If it’s been around awhile or just looks that way…share away!! No food links please.
- Pin away, but please be sure to pin directly from the original source, not from my blog.
- Be sure to have a visible link to Beyond The Picket Fence or the other hosts within your post (text link is fine).
- This is a party, so please try to stop by and visit some of the other links.
- By linking up with the Vintage Inspiration Party you agree that your photos and links may be shared on Pinterest, Facebook, and other social media sites. You may be included in a round up to promote the party or individually with a link back to you. We love what you share and the extra exposure is a benefit to everyone.  

Let's get this party started!!  


  1. Thank all you ladies for the party. Thanks Becky for liking my vintage chest vignette!

  2. Thanks so much for the party Becky - wonderful features - that tractor and trailer are amazing !
    Hope you have a great week

  3. The features are very pretty. Thank you for hosting.
    Happy holidays.

  4. Thanks for hosting Becky!! I see some links I can't wait to visit :)

  5. I have that same tractor & trailer in my attic from when i was a little girl :)


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment, I really appreciate your kind words!