Sunday, January 3, 2016

Sunday Verses

sunset, God's Word, bible verse, inspiring verse, hope, photography,

Happy Sunday! It's a new year and a new year always feels hopeful. It is a fresh start as we hope to make our lives better through better choices and decisions. We are filled with enthusiasm and plans. But, then we experience disappointments. We forget our new resolutions, things don't turn out as we plan, people let us down. The good news is, God's hope and love never disappoint. When things go badly, when we feel discouraged and plans do not turn out as we had hoped, let's remember we have the Holy Spirit filling us, encouraging us, loving us in a way so different from any worldly hopelessness. We have a love and a God that cannot be taken from us and that is something to be hopeful about!


  1. I always look forward to your Sunday posts of inspiration.

  2. Thank you for your Sunday posts...they always make my day brighter!

  3. So nice that someone takes the time to remind us what is most important. The Lord is always there, always blessing us, always loving us. We should always make time for the One who never disappoints us.

    1. Thanks Deb! It is so easy to loose focus. The Sunday verses help me keep my focus on Him!

  4. How beautifully you write. Always enjoy your posts, especially Sunday ones.
    Happy New Year


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