Monday, April 24, 2017

More Health on MORE Mondays

get more out of your life by making small changes

We are focusing on more health today because it is so very important for every area of our life. The benefits of healthier bodies and minds carry over into ALL other ares of our lives--better job performance, better relationships, happier days.

easy ways to be more healthy this year

*DISCLAIMER--I am NOT a health professional or life coach.  I offer easy ideas to make small changes in your life to have a better life.  PLEASE use all suggestions at your own discretion/risk and consult a health professional before making changes to your health. * 

I decided we needed to focus on more health again today because I want to 😁 and because I know when we are healthier, everything else in our lives is better.  

I also see people frustrated that they have forgotten their New Year's resolutions.  I also see so many folks who try the all or nothing approach to getting healthier and sadly, it often ends up as nothing.  I believe in balance and slow, small changes because they are easier to implement and easier to stick to.  
free printable worksheet with easy ideas to be healthier

This week I am asking you to print out the FREE PRINTABLE WORKSHEET HERE and then pick one item from each of the three getting healthier categories.

Remember the tortoise--slow and steady wins the race! I love it when you let me know what you are working on!

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