Happy Sunday! As I was driving home the other evening, I noticed the sun setting and actually turned around to park so I could pause and appreciate the end of a hectic day. A fire broke out across the street from my home and strong winds blowing the fire and smoke straight towards my home had me concerned. I spent the earlier part of the day doing frustrating errands, not getting everything done that I had planned. I had a meal to make and deliver to a family and had to take several out of the way back roads to get there because of the fire (which thankfully was put out after a few hours). Practicing gratitude, finding the good in the bad, focusing on the positive, stopping complaining, have actually all been scientifically proven to rewire our brains to be happy. This of course is no surprise to God--he knows being thankful can be life changing. When you are faced with problems do you get angry and upset, complain and stir the pot, and only focus on the negative? Or do you remember to pause and be grateful for what is going right? Mentally or better yet, physically list five things you are grateful for EACH and EVERY day for the next month and you will start seeing the glass as half full rather than half empty. Stop the cycle of complaining and only seeing problems and start seeing the good in people and situations.
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Thrifty Thursday Side Table Makeover
Today's Thrifty Thursday project is a paint makeover. I won't buy furniture at the thrift store if it isn't good. i.e. it needs to be real wood, sturdy or have the ability to be made stable easily, and it needs to have good bones. Because I am kind of picky about what I get, I don't get a lot of furniture at the thrift store. But, this little table met all of my requirements--it is solid wood (look underneath and at the edges well), and even though it was wobbly, I could see that it would tighten up easily.
I gave it a sunny yellow makeover.
Monday, April 22, 2019
Earth Day Projects
Happy Earth Day! We junkers are always celebrating earth day--keeping things out of the landfill by upcycling and repurposing them. Today I am sharing some of my favorite projects for the outdoors, all using things that otherwise would have ended up at the dump. Click on each title to go to the original post!

Sunday, April 21, 2019
Sunday Verses
Happy Sunday and Happy Easter! I try to imagine what is was like when Mary, Mary, and Salome first approached the empty tomb. I picture brilliant light radiating from the dark, empty space. Darkness and light were the first things God spoke into creation. God brings forth new life from dark spaces. Think of a seed bursting open in the dark soil, reaching for the light or a baby being formed in the darkness of the womb. Jesus came into this world and died to bring us new life from our dark places. On Easter we celebrate the resurrection that tells us that light will one day overcome all darkness. Embrace His light, let it wash over you with new, fresh, and loving light.
Monday, April 15, 2019
Reclaimed Wood Flour Bin
When I saw this flour stencil from Funky Junk's Old Sign Stencils
(affiliate link), I knew I wanted to build a wood bin to use it on.
Using pallet wood, I created four sides joined together with 1" x 1" boards on the inside. The front and back are three boards wide and the sides are two pallet boards wide.

Sunday, April 14, 2019
Sunday Verses
Happy Sunday! On a recent walk by the river we could hear sandhill cranes making quite a fuss and being extremely loud and noisy, but we couldn't see them. When we got close enough to finally see them, the birds became silent and remained that way the entire time we were nearby. There are times in our lives when we all feel like God is silent--we can't hear him or feel his presence and we wonder if he is hearing us. It is during these hard times, these times when God seems quiet, that I believe he is very near to us. He is waiting quietly, waiting for us to trust him, waiting for us to learn something about his infinite love and grace. He has promised to never leave us or turn away from us. Even though it may feel like he is being silent, the truth is he is nearby, he is listening. Lean into him and believe that you are not alone, God is with you.
Thursday, April 11, 2019
Thrifty Thursday Unfinished Wood Projects

If your local schools have woodshop as a class or if you have hardware stores that offer classes for kids' projects, you have likely seen unfinished wood projects at your thrift stores. Projects that might be a little off, not perfect, unfinished. Such was the case with this tool tote I recently found.

All it needed was a handle and some nails hammered in better and I had I had a perfectly good tote ready to upcycle. This handle is a rung from a broken thrift store chair.

Monday, April 8, 2019
Rustic Farmhouse Chicken Feeder Side Table
You never know what you might find at a thrift store in Montana, but when I spied this chicken feeder for $3, I knew I could do something with it...

and decided to make it into a rustic, farmhouse side table.
Sunday, April 7, 2019
Sunday Verses

Happy Sunday! I love knowing the history of the area I live in. I like learning about Lewis and Clark and Sacajawea and thinking that they may have walked in the exact same places that I walk and explore. When the Israelites were feeling discouraged and wanted to quit, they were reminded to look back to Abraham and Sarah, to remember that they were cut from the same rock and were created from the same God. When we are feeling defeated and down, when we want to give up, we need to remind ourselves that we are children of God. We are created in our Father's image and cut from the Almighty Rock. Be encouraged knowing that our history and heritage in Christ is strong and good. Persevere with the knowledge that you are cut from the Rock of Salvation.
Wednesday, April 3, 2019
Laundry Sign
Need a quick and easy project that is also useful? This handy, dandy laundry sign takes less than thirty minutes to create and will be used all the darn time!

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