Sunday, October 27, 2019

Sunday Verses

We Don't the Fruit on the Same Day we Plant the Seed
Happy Sunday! A few months my husband, daughter and I picked more than a gallon of huckleberries and froze them so that on cold mornings like today we can enjoy huckleberry pancakes. Huckleberry picking takes some patience. First, you have to know where to find the berries and that tends to be highly classified information in Montana. They grow close to the ground so you have to squat or stoop for long periods of time to pick huckleberries one at a time. Bears also enjoy huckleberries so you must remain vigilant with at-hand bear spray while gathering. But, oh, warm huckleberry pancakes on a snowy morning are a small slice of heaven and worth every bit of work and time. There is a saying that we don't eat the fruit the same day we plant the seed. Doing good, taking care of others, praying for something is often a delayed harvest. Like huckleberry picking, we need to be patient when doing good and trust that being kind and compassionate, selfless and altruistic will reap future fruit.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Colorful Rustic Coat Hook and Shelf

Coat hooks are ALWAYS a popular item in my booth. I decided to make a few of them today. The first one I will share started with a couple boards (28" long) that I spied in my scrap bin. 
Colorful Rustic Coat Hook and Shelf

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Sunday Verses

God's Truth Remain Constant
Happy Sunday! Fall is my favorite season, but this year it has been different than normal. We have had more winter, snow, single digit temperatures, with a seventy degree day thrown in here and there and I have not been happy about it. Where is the fall that I know and love? Life is ever-changing. It is hard to know what we can count on and find assurance in because the "rules" seem to shift and finding security and stability is challenging. But, this I know: God's Word does not change. I know I am loved unconditionally, always forgiven, Jesus is my strength and will never leave me. When life is uncertain when you feel like you are standing on shifting ground, trust these truths. Repeat them aloud to yourself if needed and rest in Him.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Sunday Verses

Devotional on Not Giving Up
Happy Sunday! I recently remembered or was reciting a poem I have known since childhood: "When life goes wrong as it sometimes will, and the road you are trudging seems all uphill..." If you don't know it, the poem goes on to basically say, stuff happens to all of us and when it does it's okay to rest, but never quit. I wasn't having a particularly bad day when I recalled this poem, but its message is good every day, for all of us. The Bible tells us the same thing. Jesus knows things are going to happen, we are going to have bad days, weeks, months. We experience real affliction and trouble--some it self-induced and some not. Sometimes we fall apart, physically and/or mentally. But, through it all, God renews us. His grace tells us to not give up, to never quit. Rest in him and his grace, but keep on keeping on, keep striving and fighting for better things, and never give up.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Easy Fall Signs on Old Records

Records? Remember these? Oh, how I loved my record albums. Some of my first albums  that I remember listening to were Mary Poppins and Pebbles and Bam-Bam's Good Ship Lollipop album. Later came The Partridge Family, Helen Reddy and Carly Simon.
Easy Fall Signs From Old Records
While albums have made a resurgence, some old records are too far gone to be used for their original purpose.
Easy Fall Signs From Old Records
When I recently "refound" some old albums in my junk stash, I knew they would be perfect simple signs.
Easy Fall Signs From Old Records