Monday, March 30, 2020

Rustic Farmhouse Jelly Cupboard

Sometimes (okay, often times) I have no idea what I am building. And let me tell you, this drives my hubby crazy. But, it seems to work out okay for me. And, with extra time at home, I have plenty of time to play. So, when I put together some pallet wood to make a little barn style door, I had no idea what I was going to do with it.
Rustic Farmhouse Jelly Cupboard
I could have painted it and used it for porch decor or on a mantle. I could have turned it on its side, added hooks and a shelf for a cute entry piece. It would make a cute headboard for a twin bed. But, I finally decided to use it as a door, building a cupboard "around" it.
Rustic Farmhouse Jelly Cupboard

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Sunday Verses

Inspiring Devotional
Happy Sunday! A social distancing drive earlier in the week led us closer to the mountains. The freshly fallen snow and the close proximity to the mountains made a local landscape feature, the broken heart, easier to see (do you see it?).  Many of us are currently experiencing fears, worries, sadness, depression, and broken hearts that we are hiding and hoping that others do not see. I understand wanting to put on a brave face and wanting to appear to be strong and holding it all together. But, we need to know that God sees our brokenness. We need to let him in and allow ourselves to be vulnerable with Him. He doesn't need to get closer to us to see our pain and discouragement, he is already near. Whatever you are feeling and experiencing right now in life, trust that God is close by. He is holding you, He is hearing you, He sees, He knows. Rest in Him, let him give you HIS hope and peace. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Bike Sign

I am looking forward to sunny days and riding my little cruiser bike up our country road.

If you know and follow Donna at Funky Junk Interiors and Funky Junk Old Sign Stencils, you know that she loves her bike too. She loves it so much, it inspired her to create this fun, new bike stencil.
Funky Junk Old Sign Stencils
(For your convenience, this post contains affiliate links. What does that mean? If you chose to purchase something through my link, I may receive a small compensation, BUT it cost you nothing extra 😉. ALSO, please note, prices for stencils that you see are in Canadian and convert to less in US dollars.)
Stencil a Bike Sign with Old Sign Stencils
I couldn't wait to play with it. I decided I wanted to create something a little more modern looking so I decided to stencil the bike three times in a row, leaving the cute basket off.

I started with a piece of plywood I painted grey. I drew horizontal lines with chalk so that i could place the tires on the line for straight bikes.
Stencil a Bike Sign with Old Sign Stencils
The lines and stenciling spaces are small, so use a small detail paintbrush to paint the different colors. Let the paint dry before stenciling the next color.
Stencil a Bike Sign with Old Sign Stencils
I added a wood frame using my nail gun to attach it to the plywood. I sanded the sign a bit and then stained everything. Simple, clean, easy!

Monday, March 23, 2020

Pallet Wood Coffee Crate

More pallet wood means more crates! I know, really, another crate?

 But, they are quick, pallet wood is perfect for them, they are super useful, and they sell.
Pallet Wood Coffee Crate

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Sunday Verses

Devotional About Jesus Never Leaving Us
Happy Sunday! What a week it has been. My emotions and opinions about the Covid19 pandemic have been all over the map, and that has included my feelings as to where is God in all of this craziness. The truth is, God is where he has always been, He has not abandoned the boat (i.e. left us in our socially distant homes). Jesus is with us--in our fear and worry, in our anger and frustration, in our disbelief and despair. He may be letting the storm rage for a time, but he hasn't jumped ship. Fix your eyes on Jesus, rest knowing that He has power over this storm and He has not left us alone. Jesus is right beside you, right beside me, hold on to Him in faith during this storm.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Stray Drawers Made From Pallet Wood

Oh, the creating that is going to happen while social distancing. Today I am sharing more pallet wood play.
Stray Drawers Made From Pallet Wood
Using three 5 1/2" wide pallet boards and three scrap 1" x 8" boards I made these fun, scrap, stray "drawers".
Stray Drawers Made From Pallet Wood
Using one pallet board and one 1" x 8" scrap board per box, I put these together quickly. I cut two long sides about 12 1/2" and the two short sides about 8" long.
Stray Drawers Made From Pallet Wood
I assembled the boxes with wood glue and the nail gun, making assembly easy and quick.
Stray Drawers Made From Pallet Wood
Even though I used the same pallet board on each individual box, the boards were not the same width the entire length so I did a little sanding and on the yellow box the short sides are not as tall. 
Stray Drawers Made From Pallet Wood
I painted just one side of each box so that they would look more like a drawer and then stained them.
Stray Drawers Made From Pallet Wood
(affiliate link)
I bought these fun label handles HERE. If you follow me, you know I like to throw things in the fire to help age them and rust them. Um, apparently zinc alloy (what these are made of) melts in the fire. I have a little metal basket that I put small things in to put in the fire. They melted in the bottom, oops!
metal handles with label space
So, to age the handles I dabbed some cream paint on them and sprinkled cinnamon on the wet paint.
faux rust with cinnamon
These are such a great size for: toilet paper on the back of the toilet, toiletries on the bathroom vanity, herb planting, books and a plant, photos, a coffee station, salt and pepper and oils on the kitchen counter, tissues and books and reading glasses on the nightstand, craft supplies, cards and other small games, cloth napkins, and oh so many more things!!
Stray Drawers Made From Pallet Wood
Where would you use one?

Monday, March 16, 2020

Vintage Style Farm Stand Sign

Raise your hand if you were a Gilligan's Island fan? It was one of my favorites as a kid and my favorite episode was the one where they plant the radioactive seeds and grow BIG vegetables that give them super powers.
Gilligans Island
I am not sure if that is what inspired this GIANT carrot, but I love a big, cut-out sign--it has such a vintage feel.
Vintage Style Farm Stand Sign
I used a scrap piece of plywood I had and quickly drew out a carrot shape. I cut the carrot top out separately with my hand held jigsaw.
Vintage Style Farm Stand Sign
(affiliate link)
I painted it and stenciled it with this stencil from Folk Art Stencils (HERE).
Vintage Style Farm Stand Sign
I then sanded it and stained it and cleared coated it. It reminds me a sign that you would have found on a roadside farm stand in days gone by. 

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Sunday Verses

Practice Kindness and Patience
Happy Sunday! I never thought I would use toilet paper for my Sunday Verses photo, but after this week I am sure it evokes something in most of us. It has been a trying week as we are experiencing something that is unprecedented in most of our lifetimes. This pandemic has brought out the worst in some, but it also has brought out beauty in others. In a time when it is easy to be frustrated, impatient, angry, fearful let us remember to practice love--to be patient and kind. Check on an elderly neighbor, don't hoard or take more than you really need, compliment, use polite words--please and thank you, support a local business, be compassionate, don't argue with someone who thinks differently than you. Love, patience, kindness--they don't have to be complicated or elaborate. Kindness may simply be a roll of toilet paper for someone in need.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Reclaimed Pallet Wood Seed Crate Storage Bench

Something about a new pile of pallet wood that inspires me.
Reclaimed Pallet Wood Seed Crate Storage Bench

I liked this aged appearance that is on a lot of this pallet wood so I decided I wanted to make a crate that looked old. But, not just a crate--a crate that became a storage bench or coffee table.

Reclaimed Pallet wood Seed Crate Bench
I started with four 5.5" pallet boards and four 18" pallet 2" x 4"'s (also known as the runners on pallets). I just chose a random length to cut the long sides of the pallet boards. They ended up being 31" long and the side boards are 17" long. I started by making the short sides, securing them to the legs.
Reclaimed Pallet Wood Seed Crate Storage Bench
After making the two short sides, I added the 31" front and back boards to the short side panels. Don't be afraid to use a clamp to help square things up.
Reclaimed Pallet wood Seed Crate Bench
I found a piece of plywood to use for the inside bottom of the crate. This particular piece happened to be something that the high school drama department was sending to the dump. It said Aunt Emily's General Store. I kept that on the inside because I thought it was fun.
Reclaimed Pallet wood Seed Crate Bench
I cut the corners out of the plywood with a jigsaw to fit around the legs.
Reclaimed Pallet wood Seed Crate Bench
I added braces to the inside bottom edge for the plywood to rest on.
Reclaimed Pallet wood Seed Crate Bench
I secured a narrower pallet board to top of the back of the crate for the hinges.
Reclaimed Pallet wood Seed Crate Bench
I made a wood top from three 5.5" pallet boards, joining them together with pallet boars on the inside. Be sure to place these towards the middle and leave some room in the front and back so they will fit around the legs and inside the crate edges.
Reclaimed Pallet wood Seed Crate Bench
I aged the hinges by throwing them in the fire and then soaking them in some hydrogen peroxide and salt.
(For your convenience, this post contains affiliate links. What does that mean? If you chose to purchase something through my link, I may receive a small compensation, BUT it cost you nothing extra 😉. ALSO, please note, prices for stencils that you see are in Canadian and convert to less in US dollars.)
Reclaimed Pallet wood Seed Crate Bench
I then used Funky Junk's Old Sign Stencils to make the crate look like a see crate. I used the wildflower seeds stencil and the shipping crate stencil to achieve the look I wanted. You can get them HERE.
Reclaimed Pallet wood Seed Crate Bench
 I placed them off the edge to look like they might have hastily been stamped at the seed factory. I put them on the back as well in case someone decides to use this piece as a coffee table. I sanded them for a faded look.
Reclaimed Pallet wood Seed Crate Bench
A clear coat of poly inside and out sealed everything well.
I like the rustic look and that it looks like a crate that has been repurposed into something new and useful.
Reclaimed Pallet wood Seed Crate Bench
 The shelf above was made from pallets too. You can get the directions in my book Wood Pallet Wonders--you can get it HERE.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Sunday Verses

Devotion on Discernment
Happy Sunday! I had to snap a photo of this sign on a hiking trail near our house because it is one we don't see very often. We know the sign is there for a reason and choose to only hike this trail in early spring before the snakes are out. On other trails we typically see bear warning signs and we heed those as well, carrying bear spray and making noise as we hike. Signs are meant to prepare us and warn us, to help us. God gives us signs-- in his Word, during our time talking to him, with our intuition, and in our guts. He also gifts us with discernment to understand and make good decisions. Many of us ignore the signs. We are swayed by lies, manipulation, flattery. We can ask God for the ability to distinguish and recognize his signals that are meant to protect us and aid us. This week, let's ask Jesus to help us perceive what is true and good and right and to see and regard his signs so we can act on them.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Level Wall

I am a big believer in using what you have to decorate with because it makes your decor unique and personal and affordable!

After finding a few more wood levels at the thrift store last week to add to my collection, I decided it was time to actually use the levels for something other than dust collectors. 
Use Old Wood Levels for Wall Art
After adding tin to my wall space above my kitchen cupboards, I knew I needed SOMETHING above my French doors.It took me a bit to decide what I wanted on the wall. I didn't want a sign with words, I already have plenty of those. I didn't want typical art because that is a challenge to see above a door. Ding, ding, ding--the old, wood levels would be a perfect addition for the rustic, industrial, farmhouse look I am going for.
Use Old Wood Levels for Wall Art

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Sunday Verses

devotional on taking time to renew your spirit
Happy Sunday! Winter is in its final stretch and I know many people are feeling weary. We are tired of being sick with colds and flu, restless indoors, longing for more daylight. We look forward to the newness of all things spring--we crave renewal. Do you know what restores your spirit? For me, renewal comes when I get outside, spend time with God, or meet with friends who make me laugh. Jesus needed time alone with his Father and he made sure to take it. With our busy, full schedules we need to purposefully take time to do the the things that recharge us. During this season of Lent (six weeks before Easter) ask God to renew your spirit. Work into your schedule time to spend alone with Jesus and time to discover and actually practice those things that refresh you.