Sunday, November 24, 2019

Sunday Verses

devotional on God moving mountains
Happy Sunday! One of my favorite things about where we live are the mountains that surround us. It is a rare day that I don't appreciate them and thank God for their beauty. But, those same amazing mountains become problems in inclement weather. They are often at best extremely dangerous to drive over, and at worst, impassable. Mountains are mentioned 500 times in the Bible, many times as barriers. God sees mountains as opportunities. He sees our stumbling blocks as chances to work in our lives, as events where his unfailing love removes obstacles and Jesus moves on our behalf. Whatever mountain you are facing-- broken relationships, poor health, debt, addiction, depression--give them to our loving Father and trust him to level them.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

12 Days of Christmas Day 2 Custom Ribbon and a Wreath

Today's project is super simple and easy and quick--perfect, right? 
Create Custom Ribbon and an Easy DIY Wreath for Christmas
I wanted to create custom ribbon for Christmas projects.
(affiliate link)

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Sunday Verses

Devotional on producing good fruit in tough times
Happy Sunday! We have had a lot of winter this fall and we only had a few days, as opposed to the typical two weeks, of brilliant colored cotoneaster leaves before they lost their foliage. The hedge suffered from the early, tough conditions, but the berries that are left on the bushes attract turkeys, chickadees, and other birds that enjoy feeding on them. As I watched turkeys enjoying the fruit, it reminded me that sometimes we go through hard things so that we can bear fruit for others. People are watching us, watching how we handle adversity and trials. And often, before we can even see the life things we are learning in the tough times, others are growing and taking hold of the "fruit" or lessons. God does not waste our pain and difficulties. When we love others, keep the faith and continue to trust God through the challenges, we will bear good fruit.

Monday, November 11, 2019

12 Days of Christmas Day 1 Christmas Card Box

Hello, and welcome to my annual 12 Days of Christmas ideas posts. I look forward to sharing with you 12 different, easy DIY ideas for the holidays. 

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Sunday Verses

In the farthest corners of the earth the glorious acts of God shall startle everyone. The dawn and sunset shout for joy!
Happy Sunday! When was the last time you let something glorious startle you? We get so accustomed to our everyday lives, to the things we see and experience day in and day out that we often forget to notice and appreciate the beauty in the ordinary. I have learned that the one thing that can turn around a ho-hum day or my bad attitude is when I stop to enjoy and thank God for the routine things that I take for granted. Sunrises and sunsets, hugs and smiles, the sound of laughter, trees changing with the seasons, simple and kind gestures, a good meal--all small things that are extraordinary if we let them be. Let God's everyday wonders startle you and remember to thank him when they do.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Rustic Repurposed Christmas Tobacco Tin

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...really, it is around here. We have already had lots of snow and record breaking cold temperatures. And while I typically start my 12 Days of Christmas Ideas posts on November 1st, I am a tad late due to LIFE.

BUT, even though I am not starting my OFFICIAL 12 Days posts, I do have a quick and easy DIY Christmas project for you. 
easy diy Christmas decor

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Sunday Verses

devotional on motivating each other
Happy Sunday! We just celebrated senior night for volleyball for my daughter and this is one of my favorite photos from the night. Competitively, it was a tough season--we moved up a class, graduated seven seniors the previous year, and lost two outstanding senior players to knee injuries. Despite the setbacks, the season has been a positive one as the truly important lessons of playing a sport have been practiced. This team has inspired one another, they have lifted each other up, and spurred each other on to be better. They have cried together, laughed together, loved each other, and wrapped their arms tightly around their teammates. They have embodied what this verse is about and what unselfishly loving one another looks like. This week look for someone that you can encourage, that you can wrap your arms around and lift up.