Friday, September 25, 2020

Creating a Cozy Guest Room on a Budget

Moving to a new state for hubby's job meant I had to leave a job I loved, decorating and merchandising the antique place where I had a booth. It was a small job, and I only worked a a dozen hours a week, but I so enjoyed styling booths. I felt like I made a difference where I worked, that people enjoyed the displays I created, and that they helped sales. When people asked me what I was going to do when we moved, I would cry because my answer was, "I have no idea." I still don't know how to answer that question, although I am looking into some things--focusing more on my blog again is one of those

My new blog focus is sharing how I am decorating our blank slate home and sharing how to make a builder basic house a home with personal style on a budget. I am having fun and am excited to share new projects with you all.
Creating a Cozy Guest Room on a Budget

I am working on our guest room, making it multifunctional and warm on a budget. This cozy sitting area came together with garage sale and thrift store finds.

Pink Chair From the Thrift Store
The pink chair I bought a year or so ago for my daughter, but it wasn't going to fit in her dorm room. I got it at the thrift store for less than $25. I used some fabric cleaner on it, although it was in great shape. It is soft and comfy. The pillow is a pillow cover from the thrift store. I only buy thrift store pillows if I can remove the cover to wash it and add a new pillow form.
Add a Fabric Skirt to an End Table
So, right behind the chair are our router and modem. I thought they would sit on top of the green computer hutch, but I couldn't hide them there and it was a long stretch for the cords. so I chose to put them under a little table.
Dropcloth Table Skirt
I found this rustic, chippy table at a local garage sale for $5. I sanded it well (wearing a mask in case it was lead paint) and give it a good clear coat. I was going to add a shelf on the bottom to hold the router and modem. But, one evening in the pitch dark I realized the lights on these electronics are super bright and will bother guests. So instead, I added a fabric skirt to the table to hide the bright lights.
staple fabric to the underside of the table
I stapled four washed drop cloth pieces (the washing softens the fabric) to the underside of the table. I used the hem that was already on the drop cloth for the bottom edges and tore the sides for a casual look. I stapled the ends first, then the middle, and then pleated and stapled the rest.
Brown Sugar Bourbon Nightcap
On the side table sits an old hardware bin with a thrift store, vintage decanter with a little brown sugar bourbon in it. I added two small, green juice glasses also from the thrift store. A tag made from an old BINGO game card invites guests to have a nightcap. 
Have Treats for Guests in an old Mason Jar
An old jar that came from my grandma's basement holds a little snack for guests. I can't remember if I got the few canning jars from my grandma's basement canning shelf before she died or after, but I have had them for close to 45 years. It amazes me that at the age of ten I knew I liked canning jars and found value in them. 

The hint here is--trust what appealed to you before the world told you what was right or popular (another childhood favorite will be making an appearance in this room).

Octagon Window Frame
When I spied this octagon window frame at the thrift store, I knew it would make a perfect shelf behind the pink chair and for $6 I couldn't pass it up. 

Thrifting 101--look high and low at thrift stores and frequent them often. I had been to the thrift store where I found this several times and I am sure it was there, but I didn't see it on the top of a shelf collecting dust. 

Octagon Plant Shelf
I stained the window frame and added a basket from the thrift store. I secured the basket with a screw and set the live plant in it. I can easily take the plant out to water it.
Use an Old Box for a Book Holder
 A small, floral wire, wood box that came out of our workshop at our old house was screwed to the wall to hold books. I added a few books for guests and will probably include current magazines when expecting company.
Creating a Cozy Guest Room on a Budget
(This post contains affiliate links for your convenience. I may make a small commission if you chose to buy something from the shared links.) 
Make a Hanging Light with a Thrift Store Basket
I knew this cozy spot needed a lamp. I went to the thrift store and couldn't find one I liked. I was ready to leave when I saw a lantern. Sort of like the mouse and the cookie, the lantern made me remember that I had some light kits (SO MANY GREAT KITS ON AMAZON HERE) at home, which led to my looking at vases to make into a lamp. The vases were near the baskets and when I spotted this one with a little pink on it, I decided to make a hanging light.
Thrift Store Basket
I cut a hole in the bottom of the basket and used it as the shade.
Make a Hanging Lamp
 I had both white and black light kits. I liked the twisted, fabric cord and how the dark cord looked a little more casual and has a boho vibe. I hung it from a hook in the ceiling.
Creating a Cozy Guest Room on a Budget
I can't wait to welcome our first guests to our new home. I hope that they find it cozy and inviting and that they feel at home here. 
Creating a Cozy Guest Room on a Budget

It doesn't take a big budget to create a cozy space--just a little hunting, a little seeing what you have with new eyes, and a little creativity. Enjoy the process!


  1. I love this little cozy space! That chair is so cute and I love your basket pendant light!!


  2. Your cozy nook turned out great! I should have guessed that you were going to turn the window frame into a shelf. My other guesses were a serving tray or small side table.


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment, I really appreciate your kind words!