Saturday, August 21, 2010

Beachy Stripes

I have had this little OLD table for awhile, I bought it for $2 at a thrift store, and well, it was the next thing in the garage to work on.  I am not sure if it had been a desk that was cut down and missing a drawer or what.
I painted it a sand base color and then taped off some stripes and painted those in fun beachy colors.
I added pieces of cedar fencing to the sides to cover the hole, each one painted a different color.
I sold it within 24 hours of making it, if I hadn't sold it so quickly I wouldn't have been able to part with it.
Find more great ideas at Funky Junk Interiors!


  1. Becky... that is so cute! I love the beachiness of it!
    Sounds like you're making your way through a few projects! way to go!

  2. This is really quite nice... and would look great in my home!! Love the colors and creativity.

  3. Love it! So beachy! That was a bargain too.

  4. I'm on a painting break right this minute. Just primed a little table in my driveway and was planning on a beachy blue. Hmmm, maybe I need to consider stripes. Thanks for the inspiration!

  5. So cute! I just did a table for my living room today but didn't paint it. Old matched pine door, posts for legs, one husband, and viola' table! I stained everything to match the door but may eventually paint for a different look in the spring. If I want to dress it up later I may pad and upholster it. Love your table.

  6. What a great table! You made it look fantastic.

  7. Beck... it sold because it's beautiful! WOW nice piece lady!

  8. That table is adorable in the beachy colors.

  9. It turned out great. I love the beachy look of it. It would look marvelous in my condo. Wish I lived near you, smile.

  10. It turned out so well Bec!
    Love the colours, shame you didnt get to keep it for a short while!

  11. so beachy and fun! it looks like the kind of table that needs a sandy pair of just back from the beach feet propped on it!

  12. Very beachy. Great concept, so pretty. I'm not surprised it sold so quickly.

  13. Very cute! I now have the urge to paint something!!! Thanks for the inspiration.


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