Thursday, May 26, 2016

1 Pallet=2 Stools

I know for those of you who know me and my blog, that you know that I love a good pallet, ya know?
pallet wood, salvaged, reclaimed wood, stool, DIY,
I haven't done as much with pallets since my book (BUY IT HERE!) came out.  Not that I fell out of love with pallets, I was just up to eyeballs in pallet parts and with moving and all that entails, I ignored pallets for awhile.  But, I had the pallet itch the other day so we picked up 6 nice pallets over the weekend and I have been happily building this week.

From one pallet I made two cute stools.
pallet wood, stools, salvaged wood, chippy paint, weathered wood, Minwax stain, DIY,
I made each one differently.
stool, pallet wood, reclaimed wood, paint technique, minwax stain,
The bottom one was made using the pallet 2"x 4" for legs.  See a similar tutorial HERE!
pallet wood, stool, DIY, build it, weathered paint, stain,
I painted it tan, yellow, a little green, and red.  When the red was almost dry I used a small piece of pallet to scrape the red paint and reveal the other colors.
Pallet stool, salvaged wood, free wood, chippy paint,
I made the top stool to look more like a vintage stool that was made in a barn somewhere.  I used the jigsaw to notch out the sides for the cross wood piece.
Pallet wood, stools, farmhouse, vintage, DIY,
  I painted it bright green and teal and then sanded it heavily.
pallets, stools, chippy paint, farmhouse, cottage, country,
I used dark walnut stain on each stool.  
pallet stools, chippy paint, cottage, farmhouse, pallet wood, DIY,
I am going to make one more stool and then take the trio to my booth to sell. Thank you FREE pallet wood, I have missed you!


  1. they look so cute together :) wonderful work on layering the colors.

    1. Thank you, I have so much fun building little things like this. Quick and always a chance to play with paint.

  2. I love them. I love making stools too. You've given me the itch...again!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Christine, I am not sure what I will build to complete the trio.

  4. I love them, Becky! I wish I had your skill.


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