If you joined me last week (and if you didn't, see my first MORE Post HERE), I am walking us through, step by step, week by week, getting MORE life out of 2017.

Now, trust me, I know some of you just put up a wall and are saying NO! No, you do not want more quiet and rest (I will use those two words interchangeably here). You are feeling energized, gung-ho, ready to rock 2017 and slowing down is the last thing you have on your mind right now.

I get that. But, please stay a minute and hear me out. We have become people who are getting less rest, less sleep, less quiet than any other time in history. We cram our schedules, fill our silence, occupy and entertain our brains. And, all this noise and busyness is taking its toll on our health, on our creativity, on our energy.
Without some focused, mindful and purposeful times of rest and quiet we are becoming depleted of those things we want MORE of. We NEED rest! Think of the caterpillar--it needs rest to become a butterfly.
And I am confessing here, I don't necessarily do quiet well. Oh, I can chill and do down time with the best of the sloths. But, taking time for actual, meaningful quiet and rest is not my forte. You see, I am home by myself most weekdays, and the truth is, I always have to have something on to keep me company--the TV or radio--things that distract me. I do not appreciate the quiet, do not take the time to let it refuel me.

So, I am working at adding MORE meaningful quiet in my life because I know that all the other MORES need rest first. I have shared some ideas--easy, take only a few minutes ideas--to incorporate more quiet and rest in our lives. Print this out HERE and pick one or two of the suggestions that I listed (or your own idea!) and practice it this week. I am trying the two minutes of quiet breathing and the 15 minutes of coloring in quiet each day. Let me know what you are going to work on this week!
Let's simply take a few minutes each day to be still...
Excellent suggestions. You are so right about people not knowing how to R-E-S-T.
ReplyDeleteThanks! We have become so bad at doing rest and just being in the quiet.