Happy Sunday! I have always loved rainbows. As a kid, (and mind you, it was the very groovy seventies) I had a rainbow bedroom--rainbow sheets and comforter, rainbow wallpaper, and a full rainbow painted on the wall. Today would have been my son's nineteenth birthday and in his short life, the rainbow became more special to me. My son was born with a rare heart defect, Ebstein's Anomaly. Shortly after he was born, when the doctors had rushed him away to work on him, I looked out the window of my hospital room and saw a rainbow through the tall buildings. On the day we buried my son it was raining heavily. When we got to the cemetery, the sun came out and a double rainbow appeared over the mountains. After the flood, God placed the rainbow in the skies as a promise and a sign of hope. Yes, my baby died, but I live with the hope that I will see him again one day. Hope tells us that things will get better, that there is a way through the darkness, that God will work it out. Jesus came to give us life and to give us hope. Find a sign of hope in your life and cling to it. Trust hope.