Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Junk Funk

Been in a bit of a junk funk. Tired of the clutter of it all--so I am trying to deal with what I got and have put a moratorium on purchasing anything. I have had a good week--only a teen and me home, and he is pretty much only home to eat and sleep.

Here is a moose I saw after taking my son to camp on Sunday. Hope you are having a good week!


  1. Dang. Your moose trumps any deer I've had in my backyard! And good luck with that no buying thing. Eeek! ~Mindy

  2. Okay - I would LOVE to see a moose on my way back home! Unfortunately, I only have armadillos!!!

    How is the no-buying/passing up the junk going? heehee

  3. I've been feeling the same way lately. I have been de-cluttering also. I've been to a couple of thrift stores this past week but I have also limited my spending! I only get something if I absolutely feel that I have to have it. I have a storage building full of things to work on! I plan on saving more money this year!

    Lee Laurie

    P.S. That moose would have scared my socks off!!

  4. That is a huge moose!!
    My husband has suggested that I bring nothing else in the house until something goes out - am way behind on projects!!
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Hi! I just "rediscovered" your blog today! I remember when you did the seven projects in seven days. I loved that!! Hope you do it again some time. Going to poke around in your blog now. Happy 4th!

  6. I enjoy your blog. Love the photo of the moose. I collect moose items!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment, I really appreciate your kind words!