You all are a wealth of knowledge so thought I'd turn to you for a few questions I have. First, I have a wide center column on my blog, but everything is in a narrow column and there are wide, blank spaces on either side. Anyone know if I can remedy this?
Secondly, I have a cruddy camera--a Kodak easy share. I have no funds for a new one. I need hints and tips to improve my photo quality.
Thirdly, why haven't more of you entered the giveaway? No, seriously, don't forget to enter the giveaway below. The bracelet really is cute and would look so great with jeans or dressed up. Also, you can still link up to my linky party. Remember to check out the links and post a comment.
Thanks, love u!
Becky... first!!! Download your current template! Before you do anything. Make sure you remember where it saves. That way if you mess anything up, you won't loose all your stuff! I back mine up EVERY time I change anything. I save it as a different letter ie: 123456789 a 123456789 b and so on. That way I have several different choices to go back to.
ReplyDeleteSomeone may know more than I do, but I believe it's all in your outer-wrapper, main-wrapper and sidebar-wrapper. After you DOWNLOAD YOUR CURRENT TEMPLATE, you can test the numbers and see what you get. yours(mine) are currently
my numbers are in the (_) You can try switching to my numbers and see what you get? BUT, I can't say this enough, BACKUP your current template first. :)
sorry to beat a dead horse, but I have messed mine up without backing up (downloading) my template and it took me a over a MONTH to get it fixed. Good luck, I hope some of what I said makes sense.
ps under edit html, click download full template.
ReplyDeletethe way I messed mine up, I went to the template area, and clicked "save template" and when I did that, the dot was in a different template and it messed it up.
I didn't want to confuse you and have you go to the wrong area and click the wrong thing like I did.
I can't help you on the computer stuff, as I learn from everyone else. Taking pictures, I find, is to just take lots and lots of photos. For every 30 or so I take, I may get 1 or 2 good ones. I'm also finding that taking pictures without the flash gets me better results, and using my telephoto button helps tremendously for those up close shots. One day I'll work myself up to the mac daddy of cameras, but for the meantime it's my little Sony. As for the giveaway...count me in!!!
ReplyDeleteThe zipper flower is CUTE!!
ReplyDeleteAs for the blog, it looks like you have that taken care of in the comments above mine.
As for pictures...GOOD natural light, zoom in, and change your angle. Those are the best tips I can give and can make a picture look good even without a great camera.
And I entered the giveaway!!
I'm lost when it comes to all of this technical stuff. I always have to pay for my backgrounds and headers because I don't know how to do it myself. My camera is a Kodak easy share too. One day I will get a better one but for now it will have to do. It took me forever to learn how to put my pictures on my computer. LOL
ReplyDeleteYour pictures always look good to me.
Lee Laurie
For close up pictures, a tripod will make a world of difference!
ReplyDeleteCan't help you with the blog question!
If you go to this gal's website:
She has all kinds of free graphics for blogs, lots of lovely designs and they include center and side panels. Hope this helps. :-)
A couple of months ago, Donna, from Funky Junk did a couple of posts on blog improvement. Somewhere in those comments they gave great tips for margins and spacing. They really helped us and there's other great advice too.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure you have already read it, but it was super helpful.
Not much to share on the camera, I have yet to learn. Only thing I have heard is to use natural light and turn your flash off. Good luck!