Sunday, July 24, 2016

Sunday Verses

bible verse, God's word, inspiring verse, light, path,

Happy Sunday! If you ever spent any time in Sunday school as a kid, you probably can sing this verse, But when I was young, I sure didn't apply it much to my life. When things got tough or confusing and unclear or I was unsure I would (and sometimes still do) talk to friends, worry, turn to other things rather than opening up my "life guide"--the Bible. The Bible is God talking to us and it isn't meant to confuse us or leave us in the dark. The Bible is meant to light our paths, show us which way to go, guide and direct us. But, here is the key that seems tough--we have to open it, read it, pray about it, meditate on it, and apply it! When life seems uncertain, when you stumble, when the way gets hard and dark, go to His Word-- the source to light and direct the way.

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