Monday, October 9, 2017

Let's Give MORE Grace

In the beginning of the year I started a series on Monday called MORE Mondays that offered simple and small steps to improve our lives and get more out of life this year.
simple ways to get more out of life this year

And then summer happened and book writing happened and I put the MORE Monday posts on hold until September. But, then a big computer slow down occurred and for about 5 weeks every post took me three to four times longer than normal and I just couldn't create printables. But, all of that is done and cleared up and so my MORE Monday posts are back for the rest of 2017.

free printable on giving grace to others

This week I have been thinking a lot about grace and how very much I need it. And if I need it, that means I need to give it. Sometimes when I am sitting on my high horse and in my "rightness", i.e. I am right and the other person is wrong, grace is the last thing I want to give. Instead, I want to give people my opinions and my reasons why I am in the right. I right, is my anger justified. Or, do I need to look at where I have been wrong and at where I have been hurtful and at all of the hurt someone else may be feeling. It is hard to see those things seated on the high horse. Yet, I know I want others to see those things in me.

I am reminded and convicted that to receive grace, I must give it. And, I KNOW giving grace feels so much better than giving someone a piece of my mind. 
give grace to others

Print out the quote and the worksheet HERE sharing tips on HOW to give grace and let's really make an effort to give others what we so desperately need.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for posting these inspiring words and the free printable as well. It now hangs proudly on my fridge! This came at such a good time in my life, you will never know how much it was needed. Thanks again -
    Barbara in TN


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment, I really appreciate your kind words!