Today's thrift store upcycle is one that is unique to a great thrift store find that I had. BUT, the idea of using thrift store clothing can be used for YOUR thrift store finds.
I found this rattan, wicker footstool a few months ago. I grabbed it because it was solid and I could tell it was old (more on that in a minute). I found the wool tunic/vest this past week (okay, yesterday) and loved the colors and design, could see that it was high quality and feels like wool, and knew it could be upcycled into a pillow or upholstery.

I can see some poor little one itching themselves to death in this tunic. I also picture the Partridge Family in white turtlenecks wearing these and singing I Think I Love You.

Together they became this rustic, boho, cabin-feeling footstool that I adore.

Thanks to the CLOTH tags on the bottom of the footstool, I did a little research on it. I couldn't find a lot, but did discover that it was made by the Bemis Riddell Fibre Company in Wisconsin. It created furniture from 1916 to 1934, when it declared bankruptcy due to the Great Depression. The company started making wood toilet seats, which were in greater demand than fancy furniture, and today still produces plastic toilet seats. The stool was handwoven and is nailed together. As I said--this thing is solid, heavy, and very well made.

I measured the inside dimensions and cut a piece of thin plywood (I think cabinet backing?) a little bit smaller than my measurements. I rounded the corners with my jigsaw.

I then cut a piece of memory foam to fit on the board. This memory foam was on my kid's bed in high school, but did not go to college with him. I saved it for projects. The best way to cut foam is with a serrated knife--an electric knife works really well. Fun Becky fact--upholstery foam gives me the major chills and running my hand over it or seeing someone run a hand over it about sends me over the edge. Often it is best to soften the edges of the foam using quilt batting, but I didn't think it was needed in this case.

My upholstery technique is especially messy here because I knew the bottom wouldn't show. I start by using the staple gun to secure the middle of each side. I have a constant struggle with staple guns and getting the staples to go all the way in--I hammer them in afterwards.

I staple the corners and go around stapling and pulling the fabric tight and evenly. I trimmed off as much extra fabric on the corners as possible so the board would fit snugly and flat in the stool.

I screwed the upholstered board to the stool from the underside. The footstool is perfect in front of my grey chair from World Market. We are feet up kind of people

This is the coziest seat in the house, next to the new propane stove we put in this winter. We have no natural gas where we live and this stove has made a huge difference in the warmth factor in our old schoolhouse.

Other fun thrift store/garage sale finds in this photo include my awesome apothecary floor lamp (HERE), my gallery wall finds and lights (HERE), my round table.

Keep your eyes open for great little pieces to reupholster and for great clothing to use as the upholstery fabric. You never know what you might find.

That is just the cutest!!!!