Sunday, January 19, 2025

Help Wanted

Here's the truth about thrifting, almost everything I buy needs some work or upcycling before it is ready for my pop-up shop. When I found a rustic, hand-carved, HELP WANTED sign at the thrift store, I thought it would be a fun piece for a kitchen or laundry room. needed a quick makeover first.
Thrifted Rustic Help Wanted Sign for the Kitchen
The letters were painted black and did not stand out against the dark grey wood sign. So, I decided to paint them red.
Thrifted Rustic Help Wanted Sign for the Kitchen
After painting, I sanded off the red that got on the sign rather than the letters, and then clear coated the piece.
Thrifted Rustic Help Wanted Sign for the Kitchen
It is a fun sign to hang in the kitchen, set up above cupboards, or a home office or in a laundry room. And while word signs are no longer popular, vintage, authentic signs will never go out of style! 
Thrifted Rustic Help Wanted Sign for the Kitchen

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