Saturday, April 10, 2010

Tick-Tock Table

I used this thrift store stool,
and the top of a cable spool (from my previous redneck patio tables).  To make this:

The base went through a few transformations.  First it was brown, but after I waxed the top, it didn't look right.  So then it went cream, which was too stark of contrast, so then it got some wax rubbed on it too, much better.  I cut the hole in the middle of the stool bigger so you wouldn't see it through the hole in the tabletop.
Screwed the top on through the bottom of the stool and the result is a great coffee table with some character.

Find more great ideas at:
Funky Junk Interiors
Tatertots and Jello
Finding Fabulous
Shabby Nest


  1. You gave that old stool a WONDERFUL transformation. Who would have guessed that it had such humble beginnings!

    Happy hunting,

  2. Oh Becky,
    Like I said earlier!!!! That is just so darn cute!!!!
    smiles, alice

  3. Ohhhh I like this! I just love that patina. I'm so one to never paint all I see white, especially after seeing this table top!

    Thanks for linking up to SNS!
    FJ Donna

  4. Super cute and creative! I would never have thought of using the 'patio' table top!

  5. I love marrying pieces together. You come out with wonderful pieces never before seen. This is wonderful. Good job.

  6. That turned out great! I love the contrast in colors between the cream and brown.

  7. Ugh...I did NOT just put two of those spools out by the trash last week!!! I should have known better! Such a cute idea!

  8. Cute tables! Love the tick-tock clock!

  9. how in the heck did you get the spool apart? I'm working on it and those old rusty bolts just don't want to come apart!

  10. Love the new stuff Becky!! And love all the great stuff you've done for me:) You are so talented!

  11. Oh I love your new table!

    I am peeking out of my turtle shell to thank you for all of your kindness and support. Be blessed dear one.

  12. Turned out great - love all the texture from the spool

  13. Great job and how creative- love it!

  14. I would love to see it in a room. How does it look next to the sofa and chair or whatevs you got goin on.
    But I loove it. I just wonder how you like a round table? We have had a golden oak rectangle for 20 years! lol, It's bad.

    Thanks for sharing.

  15. Oooo...I love it! I'll have to see if hubs can bring a spool home for me to give this a try! It's awesome!
    ☺ Celeste

  16. I love this one! I am featuring it at


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