The paint is permanent and cured after 28 days. After 3 days it is useable with caution--use doilies or placemats until the 28 days is up. You can paint concrete, your house, countertops, kitchen cupboards, etc. If you are doing an outside item, pray your weatherperson is accurate and do it when no rain is predicted for 3 days.
Wax helps to further protect the surface but is not necessary on everything. Sanding with fine sandpaper and steel wool helps the paint molecules adhere and bond better. You do not wax outdoor pieces. We learned to dilute the wax with mineral spirits, which I really liked. It helps the wax to go on more easily and I think help prevent over waxing. which apparently is a common problem. You want to work the wax into your brush by dipping the brush into the wax and making figure eights on a plate to work the wax into the brush. You then apply it on your piece also in a figure eight motion so that you massage it into the paint. Remember, this is a porous paint. There are videos on waxing on You Tube.
So, that ugly piece in the picture above became this piece:
(Yes, I am missing one knob, but had it so I am still looking--not sure if these will stay CoCo or if I will use oil rubbed bronze spray paint on them to match the handles.):
Some Old White and CoCo,
A little stenciling in Arles, Florence, and CoCo,
Clear wax and in 2 hours and 15 minutes start to finish (I did wait a day before waxing), this dresser was done. I wish you could feel it :).
Here are a few of the sample boards I made:
We were told to think of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint™ as a fine furniture finish. I will still be using regular paint on my rougher pieces--my pallet furniture and things I build. But for furniture pieces I buy from thrift stores and garage sales, I will be using Chalk Paint™--it is quick, durable, and produces lovely results.
Hi Becky - thanks for all your generous posts showing your methods etc. I absolutely love what you do - you have a true eye and talent. Do you happen to know if ASCP is available in Australia?
ReplyDeleteI love how this turned out! The stencils were the perfect touch.
ReplyDeletewow! becky, it's gorgeous! the stencil and color suit this piece perfectly!
Oh amazing!! L O V E it!
ReplyDeleteGorgeous. I took an Annie Sloan workshop and fell in love with the paint. Can you give me a little more info. On diluting the wax with
ReplyDelete. . . With mineral spirits. Thanks!