Monday, September 24, 2012

Eat and Trim

No, it is not a new diet--eat and get trim.  But I used some old trim boards to make another EAT sign.
The E and the T are easy.  The A takes a little more work.  As you can see, I am very technical about it--I just lay the wood on top of the E to get the right size and draw a line where I need to cut.  I then take it to the miter saw and figure out the angle that looks right and make the cut.

I use thin pieces of wood on the back to connect them.  This trim wood had some great turquoise color under the white.
Simple and easy and  a good reminder if you are one of the .001% of people who forget to eat :).


  1. Love your technical method! Its one I've used for many projects! LOL

  2. Looks great Becky, I like how the left side of the A meets the right at the top. How big are these?

  3. I love this! And I love how precise you are in your cutting, laying the A over the E to measure, sounds like the method I'd use! Very cool project! Pinning this one!
    Barbara at Chase the Star
    chasethestar dot net

  4. So cute Becky! I agree with the others, that is my kind of technique on measuring! I love it! I also love that you used old trim, and the pretty turquoise paint peeping through!


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