Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sunday Verses


  1. Just a clarifier. I don't know which interpretation of the bible that is...but.. no where in the bible does it say "if you have faith as small as a mustard seed". People have somehow come up with that on their own. It says.. faith AS a mustard seed... which starts off small and grows great. Otherwise, that statement even contradicts the first sentence. He was admonishing them for having "little faith".

  2. Just a clarifier. I don't know which interpretation of the bible that is...but.. no where in the bible does it say "if you have faith as small as a mustard seed". People have somehow come up with that on their own. It says.. faith AS a mustard seed... which starts off small and grows great. Otherwise, that statement even contradicts the first sentence. He was admonishing them for having "little faith".


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