Sunday, November 29, 2015

Sunday Verses

bible verse, God's Word, just do it, photography, Montana,
Happy Sunday! Is there something you have been wanting to do, waiting to do because it is hard and scary? I think we all have at least one thing that we want to do, but we hold back for any number of reasons. Ezra felt the same way until Shecaniah encouraged him with these words. I love this motivational speech (and I think Nike probably does too!). I love that Shecaniah tells Ezra they are with him. You know, if we are going to do the hard, scary things, we need someone to support us. Surround yourself with cheerleaders, supporters who will encourage you. Then, remember to be strong, after all God is with us giving us strength and courage. And then, go for it, just do it with the faith that God is with you no matter what. Have a great week and just do it!

1 comment:

  1. Because life always gets in the way (and I am always behind in reading blogs!!), I have to admit that I have only read the pictures/scriptures you post on Sundays, NOT knowing there is more... until today! And of course, as God would have it, this speaks directly to me and what I am planning to do today! Of course! God IS with me, and all of us! Thanks Becky!


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