Woot, woot, I am caught up and half way through my 30 days of Practicing Creativity. Today I am sharing my creative practice projects for the words MOUNTAINS and HOME.
For MOUNTAINS I looked in my craft stash and spied sitting near each other a thrift store floating frame and some peel and stick wallpaper.
I decided to try and create something with them and a little cutting and sticking and I came up with this art piece.
For the word HOME I kept thinking of so many words that I think say home to me. I decided to write them in a simple home shape. I put this in a shadow box frame and used some foam tape behind the home so it stands out a little.
It is a simple project with meaning. I am aware that the word HOME doesn't bring up positive words like these for all and that made me appreciate this project even more. I am blessed to have so many wonderful feelings about the word.
Are you playing along or practicing creativity? I have learned that for me I am never at a lack for ideas, but rather have to work at reining in my ideas and narrowing my focus. I am trying lots of new techniques and ways of creating which I love.
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