I am behind on my creative practice days. I have company and have been spending lots of hours in the garden. Because I am behind I decide to combine days nine and ten, ice cream and pattern. And while I certainly practiced being creative, my final project was a fail and landed in the trash.
I gathered bits of nature and painted a canvas and glued the nature to the canvas. I then dumped a bunch of Mod Podge glue on it--which never dried. The pattern I painted smeared and I was not pleased with the end result. BUT, I had fun looking for items to make the cone (dead lilacs) and the strawberry and mint ice cream. I played with things that I haven't before and learned some dos and don'ts.
The word for the 11th was BOOKS. I used an outdated airline book
This book was published in 1975 and was quite outdated in terms of airline careers. The men were the pilots and the mechanics and the baggage handlers and the women were the stewardesses and food preparers.
Some books are simply too outdated to be of importance anymore. I was inspired to make this book all about female empowerment. I started by folding the pages, alternating the direction that I folded so that photos and words would both be visible.
After folding the pages, I wrote quotes about women's rights with pastel markers on the inside book covers.
I wadded up some double stick carpet take and stuck it between the pages that would be on top when hanging so that they would remain evenly spaced.
I might end up printing out the quotes in colorful fonts and gluing that on the book covers to hide my sloppy writing. But, the upcycled book fits well on my library shelves and is a good reminder that women can do anything they set their minds to do!
Today's word is FABRIC and I have my project done, but won't have time today to post about it.
Upcoming Creative Practice words are:
June 13: INSECTS
June 14: HOME
June 16: WOOD
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