Thursday, May 12, 2016

Pallet Bear "Puzzle" Sign

I am pretty sure puzzle maker is not a future title I will hold.  But, I did have fun making this bear "puzzle" sign from pallet wood.
pallet wood, bear sign, reclaimed wood, salvaged, jigsaw, wall art,

I traced the bear on the three pieces of pallet wood and then cut it out using a handheld jigsaw. I made sure to collect each piece as I cut it and put them all in a box so it wouldn't get lost with the other workshop scraps.
Pallet sign, salvaged wood, bear, rustic, minwax stain, jigsaw, on the wall,
I then glued and nailed the outside pieces to a piece of plywood.  I stain the bear pieces and glued and nailed them into place.
pallet sign, bear, reclaimed wood, bear art, rustic, cabin,
This was a fun piece to make.  The turns were a challenge with the jigsaw, but I plan on trying different shapes soon!


  1. That is so cute. It doesn't even look like pallet wood anymore. If you end up doing a lot of puzzles you may want to purchase a tabletop scroll is sooooo easy to use and perfect for puzzles.

    1. Thanks Joan and thank you for the tool tip. It might have to go on my tool wish list!

  2. I like it. I have a laser light jigsaw that scrolls but it makes me nervous on the tight turns. Table top scroll saw sounds interesting. If I had the space!

    1. Thanks Deb. I know, I might need a table top scroll saw. So many tools, so little cash and space!

  3. Another cute project. I can see how you will have a lot of fun working on these.

    1. Thank you Debra! I want to make some Montana signs like these.

  4. Fantastic sign from pallet wood. Really it's handy work. Thanks for sharing.
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