Sunday, January 5, 2020

Sunday Verses

Prepare for Life's Storms
Happy Sunday! Yesterday we watched as a fast moving squall swept in. We knew it was predicted, but it was 46 degrees and sunny so we didn't quite believe it and decided it was a great day to do errands sans coats. With the wind howling and the snow blowing, we quickly changed our plans and headed home for hot tea, Netflix, and cozy blankets. Friends, storms are going to come. Sometimes we can see them approaching and other times they come in quickly, catching us off guard. With Jesus, with faith and trust and hope we can weather life's troubles and even come through them victoriously. Pray, read God's Word, surround yourself with good, caring people, practice gratitude, and trust that you will survive and even thrive through your life storms. Lean into Jesus and let him protect you and see you through. Oh, and a good cup of tea and a warm blanket help too.

1 comment:

  1. I am praying for peace for America and much better leaders!


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