Sunday, October 11, 2020

Sunday Verses

Let Old Things Die So That New Things May Grow
Happy Sunday! I have been spending some much appreciated and enjoyed time in old growth forests. I am amazed at the size of the trees and love seeing the huge stumps of trees that have passed on. More often than not, new trees are growing on and out of the fallen, dead trees as the forest is constantly renewing. It is a reminder that God always intends for new life to come from old. When we choose to love and follow Jesus, he asks us to get rid of our old lives and ways in order to allow him to work and grow afresh in our lives. Sounds easy enough, but oh, how we love to cling to our old ways and God knows this. I have observed the more decayed the tree is, the more new life is springing out of it. The more we let go of our old selves, the more we let Jesus have our dead rot, the further he can grow good things in us. Let hate, anger, impatience, greed, fear decay on the forest floor of our pasts and let his love cultivate a novel good.

1 comment:

  1. Even in a persons lifetime they can have a rebirth at least once. Events change us. Hopefully the changes will be for good.


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