Monday, December 5, 2022

How to Create a Simple Elegant Christmas Vignette

Last month I shared a simple candleholder I created using a vintage cup from the thrift store (see it HERE). While I showed it on my bookshelf, for my actual Christmas decorating I wasn't share where I wanted to use it. I decided to create a simple vignette for my great room bar using the teacup candleholder as my inspiration.
Creating a Simple Christmas Vignette
I started with a wood cheeseboard from the thrift store. Because I might use this, I washed it well with hot water and soap and then used coconut oil on it to condition the wood. I also added a small plate or saucer from the thrift store to place the candle teacup on.
Cutting Board and Christmas Plate from the thrift Store
I added some small, gold-rimmed, Christmas plates and a couple of wine glasses.
Creating a Simple Christmas Vignette
I had the plates and glasses, both are from TJ Maxx, but were purchased several years ago.
Creating a Simple Christmas Vignette
The plates in this vignette help to suggest that we might enjoy some wine and cheese and snacks. 
Creating a Simple Christmas Vignette
Faux boxwood greenery tied into a small spray with red velvet and tan ribbon placed on the board adds another touch of Christmas.
Creating a Simple Christmas Vignette
A bottle of wine completes this simple, elegant board that would look great sitting on a table, a kitchen counter, a buffet, or a coffee table. What makes a good vignette? 

Gather items with the same theme or style. The teacup set the mood for this one. I kept the word simple and elegant in my mind when selecting items for it--gold rimmed plates and glasses, velvet ribbon, a bottle of wine with a pretty label. Mixing styles leads to an incohesive display. Create different heights--one glass on the plates, the bottle of wine help to do this. Use two or three items with the same colors--the green twine tied to the teacup goes with the green on the plate and the boxwood branches, there is gold on the bottle label, the plates and glasses. Give the vignette a purpose--this one is for serving wine and cheese. Other purposes may be snack foods (tune in tomorrow!), items to spark discussion such as old photos and conversation starter cards, books to read or look at, etc. I like even pretty things to have a purpose. Add and eliminate items and take pictures with your phone to really see the vignette. And, most importantly, have fun. Decor doesn't need to be perfect--give it your personality.


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