Monday, April 28, 2008

Project One is Done!

I greeted the day eagerly, looking forward to whatever project I was going to do. After dropping kids off at school, checking the many blogs I read, and putting laundry in (I did 5 loads today--woo-hoo!) I went to the garage and stared at my pile of junk. I played around with a few things and decided to make a coffee table for today's project. I started with this--a round piece of plywood that was free at a garage sale and a magazine/book rack I had bought for $3 at a garage sale.

I used gel stain on the base. I tell you--it can make the cruddiest piece of wood look good! I had primed the table round last summer. I painted brown paint over it, then cream and then the blue.

I then scraped some of the paint off ( I did this by putting candle wax between the paint layers). I copper leafed the edge. I had never "leafed" anything and it was fun! I will definitely do more of it in the future. I used a copper leafing pen to write some partial French sayings on the table and make the swirls. I then put stain over all of it and finished it with a clear coat of spray. The poly-acrylic that I usually use couldn't be used with the leafing. I attached the two pieces a voila--here it is. Tune into tomorrow for the next project.

PS--The weather was beautiful here today--70. Snow is supposed to return on Wednesday :(


  1. You are so creative. I can't believe how quick you whipped this up. How did you attach the table top?

  2. Wow! The table turned out great!! I need to get better at creating from my junk pile, rather than simply adding to my junk pile. Thanks for the inspiration!!!

  3. It feels good to get a project done,huh?It looks great.I dont have to go into work until 2:00...I think I will go and do one of my projects!Thanks for the motivation!

  4. Love it, Bec! How did you attach the top to the base? You did a fabulous job....It's so whimsical! Thanks for sharing.

  5. I glued the top to the base with gorilla glue and then screwed through it too at an angle. I will take a picture sometime this week and show you Ü.


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